By Banji Ayoola
We could have been unforgiving, vengeful, vindictive and wicked in earlier encounters or relationships in earlier earth lives, with most of the human beings whose paths we now cross on earth. Who we are compelled to relate with now at the end time when all faults, weaknesses and guilt will be burnt out, in the ongoing cleansing and purification of the Last Judgement.When we are forced to taste our former evils among other misdeeds, errors, mistakes that we must atone for and be cleansed of now before thinking of ascent.
We could have been someone who wielded so much power, but who derived joy in seeing others suffer, in starving others, in denying others their entitlements, their legitimate wages and earnings, their dues, so as to bend them to do our selfish wishes, our selfish desires.
Now we are compelled to come face to face with our ugly and undesirable past, with our wicked, vindictive past, with the former victims of our past wrong deeds, who are now placed in positions of privileges, of power, or who are more materially endowed than us, to taste in their hands the wickedness, vindictiveness and unforgiving attitude which we had unleashed on them in our prosperous time in the past.
Now the table is turned. We are now in their hands, our former victims. We are under their control, at their mercy.
This is by virtue of such Great incomprehensible Love of the Almighty Father as provided and woven in His Divine or Natural Laws particularly the Law of Sowing and Reaping, of Reciprocal Action governing Creation.
By this Law, every human being is cleansed of his former guilt, however grave, the filth clinging to him, through experiencing and atoning or redeeming same. Provided he thereby comes to better recognition of the wrongness, abhors his former error or evil, changes inwardly and strives to be better, to live in accordance with the Holy Will of the Almighty Father as expressed in the Natural Laws governing Creation.
By striving to be better, he now directs his volition, thoughts, words and deeds, his entire activities only towards doing that which is good, only towards that which accords and swings with the Holy Will of the Almighty Father, as expressed in His incorruptible and perfect Laws.
We now see how the outworking of the Laws, say that of Sowing and Reaping, of Reciprocal Action for instance, provides a great opportunity for human beings to reconcile ourselves with the Holy Will of the Almighty Father as expressed in His ever loving Great Laws.
The outworking of the Laws in the happenings or experiences we are compelled to undergo aims towards cleansing us and thus freeing us of our past guilt. It aims at reconnecting and reconciling us with the Will of the Father as expressed in His Laws, from which we have, in this earth life or many earth lives ago, strayed away and cut or separated ourselves.
The Father’s Creative Will reveals Itself in the outworking of His Laws, called Divine or Natural Laws, as we go through the happenings or our experiences, that is whatever we are compelled to experience.
This Holy Will dispels our former errors, burden or guilt, washes us clean of them and frees us of their clutches. This is after atoning for them, obtaining forgiveness and changing inwardly to toe the better path, the Path of His Laws Which express His Holy Will in Creation henceforth.
With the change, man now aims and strives towards the good and beautiful alone. Towards that which truly shows love to one’s neighbour by being considerate with him, being tolerant and patient with him or her, by concerning oneself only with his good, seeking always his welfare and not how to attack or destroy him.
By living strictly in accordance with the Natural Laws expressing the Holy Will of the Almighty Father, Which knows of only true love and what will benefit all the creatures.