Love fulfilled

The Poet's Corner

Roses are red, white and sometimes pink

While lilies come but in colour white,

And these two with pure love have a link

As well as show the Will of the Light.


As in more than a shade roses come

So are we not to restrict our love

Nor let it bound to a group become

While we meet other men with rebuff.


The white of the lilies signifies

Purity of both body and soul,

For this alone is what testifies

That the love we give is indeed whole.


Thus must we in love not selfish be

By thinking of how to gain or cheat,

But always give with full heart and glee,

Knowing all men do our love befit.


We ought not give out love at a price

Nor let lust be in our heart concealed.

And let us not anyone despise –

Then in us love would have been fulfilled.


– Victor Emmanuel Uwah, Poems From Without, 1997

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