When life seems so hard and sour
You only need to hold on tight.
Show your Lord a little faith,
And when you think that all is lost,
Brace up for a pleasant pack,
For good comes when you least expect!
Life is full of ups and downs:
You can’t stay put but keep a-move –
So now you’re up and then you’re down.
But always show some contentment,
Trust your Lord and don’t complain
Lest you’ve no time to thank and praise!
Life is nothing but a school:
You learn to laugh, sometimes you cry.
Share with others and lead them on
But never dare you block their way,
For there’s a place for everyone
And what you do the price is yours!
Go through life as best you could
And do not turn it to a waste.
Know that once you die it’s done –
The name you made is what you leave,
And only go with what you learnt
To face another life beyond!
– Victor Emmanuel Uwah, Poems From Without, 1997