Let’s protect women from abusive relationships

Dating and Relationships Opinion Womanhood

By Osaro Igwe

Our parents and religious leaders should stop sending women back to their violent husbands, while claiming they are doing it for the sake of the children.

Abusive homes damage children. These children end up damaged by what they witness while growing up.

Women should be encouraged to leave abusive relationships and violent husbands should be dealt with instead of being pampered. If men know that there are consequences for their actions, they would behave well. They won’t raise their hands on any woman or justify their actions with annoying excuses. This society needs to be firm while dealing with domestic violent cases. It is not a family matter or religious issue.

These girl children are people’s daughters. It is a serious issue that should be addressed properly so that other men can learn to treat their partners with love, care and respect. No woman should be allowed to live under the same roof with an abusive husband. That person is living a borrowed life.

One blow of kick in the wrong place can end the victim’s life and it would be all over. Our society will also blame the woman for provoking the man. People would still blame the woman for making the man beat her.

Women need to choose self preservation over staying married at all costs. These women should stop listening to parents and pastors who advise them to pray for their abusive husbands to change. Women should stop being fooled by spiritual highway men. Prayers don’t change violent men. They need psychiatric attention and therapy.

Enough is enough. Women are not donkeys. They are our Sisters, Daughters and Mothers. Women deserve to be with men who Love, Care and Respect them. Therefore, they should be treated Nicely, with Dignity.

Women, too should not take good men for granted. Food for thought and happy weekend.

Igwe writes from Kaduna

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