By Banji Ayoola
The President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Dr. Kanayo Felix Nwanze, has recommended a lasting solution to the global financial crisis, which is rocking virtually all countries on earth, including Nigeria.
He traced the source of the crisis to the universal gross violation of the basic Natural Laws, which constitute a compulsory foundation for a joyful, peaceful and harmonious existence on earth.
The Head of the United Nations\’ Organ spoke at a Public Lecture in Akure, the Ondo State capital, Nigeria where he also declared that humanity generally today are reeling in woes of a monumental proportion, due to the same violation.
Specifically, he traced the origin of the worsening man-made socioeconomic upheavals across the world such as wars, bloodshed, disaster, uprising, crimes and the likes, to man\’s gross disobedience of the same Natural Laws, which he said, express the Will of the Creator, as explained to mankind by several prophets and the Son of God, Jesus Christ Himself.
The lecture was entitled: ‘The Purpose and Responsibilities of Man in Creation.’
According to him, the only condition that can redress the prevailing distress, chaos and confusion on earth, is when mankind generally change from our current wrong ways, by sowing seeds of genuine love, peace and harmony, rather than those of hatred and envy, which dominate everywhere.
He queried: ‘Have we asked ourselves what are the rules and regulations of Nature?’
‘Very simply put. Two thousand years ago, a Messenger from God told us a simple Law, the Lord Jesus Christ, what did He say? He said: ‘Love thy neighbour as thyself.’ Very simple. And that is all.’
But Nwanze regretted that hatred, jealousy, envy and the likes characterise human relationships on earth today.
His words: ‘Why are there so much evil and hatred in the world today? They are so rampant. They are increasing every day. Why? Because that is all we have. We all embody envy, hatred, jealousy, and that is why we give it to other people.
‘Otherwise, if we want to experience happiness on earth, we must first of all be able to give happiness to others so that in return, we can get happiness. And that is another Law in Creation. What you sow, you shall reap.’
The IFAD boss declared: ‘If we want to have peace on earth, we must sow peace among ourselves. Otherwise, what we shall harvest is nothing but anarchy.’
According to him: ‘The purpose of man on earth, in this Creation, is not just to make families. The purpose is not just to have wealth, power, build a house, have wife, children, enjoy life. And you think that that is all. That is for animals.
‘We have a higher core that is spiritual. But because we are spiritual, we have the ability to bring about beauty, happiness and love. And because we don\’t have love, we sow hatred and envy; and today we complain that there is so much envy, hatred, jealousy, so much evil on the earth as if it is somebody else.
‘We are responsible for what the situation of the world is today. You and I, because the evil that we do is not physical.
‘Through our thoughts, volition, wishes that we put into Creation, through the words that we speak or the actions that we do physically that anchor us. Our thoughts are like messengers, and they can have a greater impact on our whole environment. Envy and dense thoughts create a cloud and prevent Light from penetrating. And your environment becomes dull, heavy and dark, just with our thoughts alone.
‘You can kill a billion people with your thoughts, you can kill one person with your hand physically. And some thoughts are very potent.’
He said that the purpose of man in Creation is to transform the earth, so that there would be peace, joy and happiness. This transformation, he said, can come about only by wishing happiness and goodness for the other people, our neighbours.
Nwanze said: ‘Our purpose in Creation is to sow happiness, to learn the Laws of Nature so that by abiding by them, we can make Nature more beautiful.
‘We can sow happiness in our communities, and all the evils we have talked about today will disappear.’
He noted that virtually all countries on earth are witnessing one disturbance or the other, especially the global economic crisis, which started with many countries having financial problems, floods and earthquakes among others.
In his words: ‘So all over the world, there is hardly any part where there is no uprising.’
According to him: ‘The question then is: why are all these things happening? Is there an end to it? Is it going to get better? I doubt it.
‘I doubt that it is going to get better; and the financial crisis is going to get worse. And what does that tell us? The only way it will change is when man changes himself.
‘…If you sow good, you shall reap good and you will inherit the Kingdom of God. This is what it says very clearly. If you sow evil, you shall reap evil and you shall be damned. It is a Law.
‘No amount of begging will change it. The only thing that will change it is yourself, making the right decision, wishing good for your neighbour, loving your neighbour as you wish them to love you, and knowing who you are and who your neighbour is.’
Nwanze said that his explanations were based on his personal understanding drawn from the Work In the Light of Truth, The Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin.