By Sola Adeyegbe
A similar statement was credited to the seventeenth-century French philosopher René Descartes. By saying “I think; therefore, I am” Descartes reckoned that he had arrived at the ultimate statement which could not be doubted. He found that he could not doubt that he himself existed, as he was the one doing the doubting in the first place.
Certainly, we feel our own existence. No matter how real this feels to us, it is just consciousness of our existence. As man there is yet a further quest. Who am I?
Yes, I do exist but what am I? Who am I? Many have tried in vain to define themselves by the title they bear on earth: President, Chairman, CEO, General Manager and so on. Such definitions vanish when the position that confers such titles are removed. Of course, such titles are transient. Neither can we be defined by our fame as beauty queen, wonderful dancer, or boxing champion as these too are not permanent and even if they are, they do not truly define us in our real essence and immense abilities.
The real question is that man needs to become self-conscious. The purpose of life on earth is for us to attain this all-important self-consciousness. To know exactly who we really are.
You are much more than your physical body that the world can see. Your physical body too is transient. It is born, it grows, matures, ages and then withers away. Yet through it all, deep within you, you do not feel old or frail. Only the body experiences these. That core in you that feels forever young is your real self! It is spirit!
To know the nature of the spirit therefore is to know yourself. Your real self. The spirit has its origin in the Spiritual part of this wonderful Creation. From there it takes a dip into this earth in order to mature. Maturity involves coming to self-consciousness. So, what is the nature of the spirit? What are the abilities of the spirit?
1. Spirit has access to the ever-flowing Power that streams through Creation. Spirit can make use of this Power to achieve the miraculous in all areas of life! The scope for development within our space of existence is set so wide such that development is endless and eternal!
2. Spirit is magnetic. It can attract people, circumstances and all that it genuinely desires. The possibilities are simply innumerable!
3. So that spirit will not attract everything and everyone to itself in a wild confusion, the spirit is endowed with the power to decide on what is to be attracted to it. The decision is made through our thoughts, words and deeds. So, we are also managers of what is to come to us in this wonderful workshop of Creation which offers a table that is always set. From this table we can take whatever we desire in line with our abilities. The table is always set and it gives to us and always gives in abundance.
You now see that for anyone to ignore these magnificent spiritual abilities and be restricted to some paltry earthy titles and fame is pitiable indeed.
With this understanding, let us begin our journey to self-consciousness by listening to our inner voice in silence, staying in nature regularly, practising the art of giving to others in love, receiving with gratitude and meditating on the Almighty always. Let us also resolve to do only what is good and make everything we do into a service to the Lord of all the Worlds! With these we will be on our way to working consciously in the spiritual sense. Peace, joy and success is what follows naturally.