I have learnt…


By Maryanne Idokogi

Life is such a mixed basket of experiences in which I find that the more I get to recognise and understand…the more I realise just how little I truly know…but of this little…

I have discovered…that just when you no longer allow your personal will or desires take center stage in your life and in sincerity subject them to The Lord’s Will, the deepest and most beautiful of what you truly desire begin to manifest..

I have discovered….that just when you give up all wanting and wishing for this or that to happen in this or that way…and simply hold on to your goals and dreams while praying, working and remaining open for the best, you will in deed receive the ‘best’ which will unfold seamlessly in the best possible way beyond your wildest dreams…

I have realised…that no matter how fierce the storm, it is ONLY when you stop agitating within and without, that peace profound begins to embrace and surround you…and with it, longed for answers and unimagineable solutions…

I have learnt…that love, when it is true, is given freely
‘just because’…and not…’because of’…
And that though it is sometimes just as severe as it is soft…if you allow it, it will bring forth and work for your highest good..

I have also learnt…that nothing in this whole wide world is worth losing your personal peace and inner balance over…and that should you ever loose it, regaining it… no matter what you loose or gain thereby, becomes top priority…because inner peace is the bridge to connecting to The Light, Peace and Love of God…from Whence all other blessings and good things flow..

I have discovered also, and quite surprisingly too, that just like any object pushing upwards through space, a rocket is naturally unstable and out of alignment with its projected course all of the time and therefore MUST have a specific inbuilt control system to keep it stable…constantly realigning and re-positioning it on that flight upwards if it is not to lose its trajectory and get lost in space…

And when I look at our lives i find it is the same thing because the human being by himself and on his own is totally unstable, ignorant, unreliable and powerless…and must, for any real physical or spiritual progress, activate and apply his own internal control and guidance system – (his Spirit and all its inbuilt faculties that link him to His Creator and Home) or else he will never ever reach the Goal..

And I have learnt that this control system cannot function properly without Humility…and that indeed no matter how gifted and talented…or knowing you are, if you lack humility, you’ve lost or will eventually loose it all…

In the same vein, I have realised that the easiest things to find but which ironically are the most difficult to look for, are our own personal deficiencies…not because they are not there but because it is a very painful process and hardly anyone voluntarily embraces pain…

But I also learnt that until you are able to undertake this work…and dig deep to recognise and accept your own faults FIRST, in any conflict… growth, maturity, true progress…and ultimately Salvation will be ruled out for you – which is why HUMILITY is the very first key …

I’ve realised that the saying “tough times don’t last” is not exactly true…and that they can last for an entire lifetime, if you fail to understand and apply the lessons they came to teach…

Likewise saying that ‘happy’ times (which is actually a relative term), don’t last, is also not true…because they can actually last an entire lifetime, if you’ve understood and learnt how to keep in sync with the harmonious flow of life which brought them about in the first place…

I have also learnt that what causes pain and disappointment more often than not, is personal attachment to desired outcomes of a matter or a person…and that this desire to ‘control’, is one of the worst and saddest prisons a human being can be locked in…

But if you find the wisdom and strength to let go of those attachments…and simply be…do your best, attend to your self, and leave the rest, all pain eventually dissolves…leaving you to rise from the circumstance, free and happy…whether or not the eventual outcome is desirable…

I have learnt that true joy is of the spirit..and is a direct result of personal attunement to The Laws and Will of The Creator…which can never be faked or gotten elsewhere…

I have learnt to be and speak my own truth…and how most necessary it is, to lose this debilitating ‘need’ – the need to please and be accepted by the crowd…Because when the crowd is long gone…
I will be left alone to deal with the consequences of lies I lived and told…

And therefore…that
Every Aspirant of True Life must be willing and able to stand alone…
Even though….as soon as that first and scary step is taken,
They quickly realise that they are not and will never be alone…

Lastly but not least…I have learnt that..

Happiness is a prize that only the most genuine and bravest of the brave can and will earn…
For they are the ones who in-spite of all odds, find the wisdom, courage and strength to pursue and live the life of their spirits and of their very best dreams…

May we always do our part to ensure that this and more is our lot. Amen


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