By Sola Adeyegbe
The effect of the Law of Sowing and Reaping is that man must reap what he has once sown, unconditionally. No one can possibly reap or pay for what has been sown by someone else.
Examples abound. The effect of this Law is visible in Nature as pineapples can only grow from seeds of pineapple. This Law also applies without fail to man’s thoughts, words and deeds. Each one of these constitutes seeds that we sow every minute and are bound to produce a harvest of a similar kind. So when we utter words of kindness we reap kindness in return. I have experienced it many times when someone who normally is difficult will say to me: well, because of the sober way you have made your request, speaking to me kindly, I will assist you.
In the same way, a tyrant who perpetrates acts of wickedness against his people will reap hatred, revolts, riots and multiple rebellions from the people. These may eventually swallow up such a wicked ruler. Some years ago, we have seen this happen in many Arab countries.
The point in time at which the effect will take place is irrelevant but the reaping of the fruits of our sowing happens at some time, at the specified hour, in this world or the beyond or in yet another earth life, will happen.
Scientists who are familiar with this Law speak of it by reference to the fundamental law that force always generates a counteracting force. They say further that an effect without a counter-effect is not conceivable at all. So if we strike a hammer on a hard object then the hammer will bounce back as a consequence of the hardness of the target object. If however the hammer is softer than the object, the hammer will get distorted or dented at the point of impact.
Similarly, there is an effect for every movement of our thoughts, words and action. In all simplicity – what a man sows he will reap many times over.
This Law is to be loved by those who sow good seeds, who keep their thoughts pure, do not think ill of others, who love their neighbour, give to others with their being, offer words of peace and kind advice to others and who will not betray or wilfully harm others. These ones shall reap blessings, peace and happiness. However, those who sow evil seeds need to fear this Law, for even if they are the cleverest person in the whole world the all embracing arms of the Law of Sowing & Reaping will reach them and ensure that they take in full measure the fruits of their works.