How can one deal with financial and personal problems?

Helping Words

By Sola Adeyegbe

In order to answer this question, we need to understand the Laws of Creation. These Laws of Creation include the *Law of Sowing and Reaping*. This Law affects us and gives back to us in accordance with our actions which include our thoughts, words and deeds. We see in Nature that a grain of rice will not produce yams. In the same way, our thoughts, words and deeds also produce effects which are similar to our initial actions.

What we call financial and personal problems, therefore, are the result of our  former decisions and actions in this earth life or in former ones. Just as a grain of rice produces more rice, our thoughts, words and deeds are seeds that bring back to us a similar harvest. Thus hatred to a fellow human being cannot produce a peaceful relationship.

Before we can be released from the effect of our previous actions, we have to go through the present experiences with the right attitudes. 

Number one attitude is to take responsibility for what we are going through without blaming anyone else. We should also not stay too long with blaming ourselves. Number two attitude is to accept and welcome these experiences and see them as necessary for our spiritual and material progress. So, the experiences you refer to as problems also mercifully point you to your freedom! Number three attitude is to now start working for the type of future you desire.

Therefore, take responsibility for your situation,  welcome and accept them as they are, without blaming anyone and set to work immediately to create for yourself a future of financial freedom and inner peace. You can do this by sowing seeds which are similar to the future of your aspirations. For example, on the work and business level, be fair to all those you come across. If you are an employer, pay fair wages. If you are employed, do not cheat on your employer but give good service to merit your pay. Consider your natural talents and strive to develop and use them for yourself and for the benefit of others. Offer voluntary service to organisations that require it and thereby gain the necessary experience that you can use later in gainful employment. And when you do have money, avoid frivolities and invest for the future. Pay those you owe, and do not cause harm to those who trust you. On the personal level, do good to your neighbours and work only for their welfare and not how to harm them.

With these actions, you will be sowing good seeds which will naturally produce for you sooner or later a future harvest of financial well-being. This holds true, unless the person in question actually needs to go through this present earth life in poverty for his spiritual benefit.

As regards your personal problems, because of your decision to do only what is good, you will be helped. These problems will be made easy for you to overcome and you become free soon since you have stopped sowing seeds that brings personal problems.

Remember this: “Evil cannot approach unless you call it! As you wish it, so will it happen to you!”

May you experience the power of love and the power of doing only what is good!

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