Honey and its benefits for brains’ health


By Dr Bidemi Ojeleye

Our topic for today is *Can honey positively influence the health of the human brain?* **

Honey has been used for thousands of years for its health benefits.

Recently, systematic studies have established the benefits of honey for brain health.

The chemical properties of honey can vary depending on the plant and geographic location from which it is derived.

However, some compounds are common, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids.

Studies have shown that copper supplementation can prevent neuroinflammation, reduce oxidative stress, and increase brain-derived neurotrophic factors.

a cognitive level, honey has been shown to improve memory and learning, slow age-related cognitive decline, and reduce anxiety. Research in this area is still new, so there is still a lot to be learned about the effects of honey on the brain.

Despite recent discoveries, much remains to be understood about the neural mechanisms underlying the neuroprotective process and associated cognitive benefits. The limited evidence available suggests that more targeted and controlled research into the value of honey is needed.

Research has shown that consuming honey for 16 weeks in postmenopausal women improves short-term memory and levels of oxidative stress compared to those receiving estrogen and progestin therapy.

Honey has a significant total phenol content and is rich in flavonoids.

Thus, in addition to increasing the antioxidant capacity that is so important for memory formation, honey can also affect choline and acetylcholine levels.

Honey has a protective effect against hypoxic amnesia due to its antioxidant properties.

On neurological disease, studies have shown that honey can have antidepressant, antispasmodic, and sedative properties. Several studies have shown that honey helps prevent memory problems.

These confirm that honey is all-encompassing if used moderately.

  • Dr. Bidemi Ojeleye is the Founder/Coordinating Director of the Centre for Bee Research & Development (CEBRAD), and the Chief Servant of Tropicalbee Honey, Ile Ife, Osun State.

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Using honey for facial treatment

Benefits of honey for diabetes


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