Healing and responsibility of the healer

Natural Health News

By Dr Kayode Oseni

Energy Healing, like all other modalities of healing works through frequencies of energy vibrations. And the inner core of each person, the spirit, is the determining factor for the vibrations the individual emits, and thus the nature of his aura.

All modalities of healing aim at providing the necessary tool to enable the spirit work properly through its cloaks. 
The knowledge of Nutrition and Herbology explains how good diet and appropriate herbs helps to modulate the radiations of the blood.

The knowledge must be used to bring about the necessary changes in the blood radiation. 

The person who knows and applies them to himself is healing himself, and the one who teaches others how to use them is also a healer.

The knowledge of Crystal Healing teaches how the spirit connects stronger with the body, when the blockages on the chakras are opened through the augmenting vibrations of the different Crystals.

The person using the Crystals must work to bring about the desired effects, or else the Crystals will remain just ordinary stone to him.

The Crystal Healer can be healing just himself alone when using the appropriate stones for himself, and he can be healing others through teaching them how to use them. 

The one that needs healing must make use of the knowledge.

Acupuncture, Magnetic healing, Massage, etc , all work to open up blocked energy channels (meridians) and centres (chakras) within the physical and soul bodies.

Those gifted with the ability to see the aura can only help to point at where the individual needs to work on himself, the Aura/Crystal Healer cannot actually bring about a change in another’s aura.

This is a work each must do by himself, using appropriate knowledge.

All these are actually some of the tools healers employ to help those afflicted. But we must remember that each spirit has the ability to control and influence the bodies it inhabits, thus each spirit has an innate healing potential.

Each individual is therefore a healer to the degree of his activating those healing potentials. 

The one seeking healing must therefore be willing to activate his healing potential.

Meanwhile the one already fully aware of his healing gifts and have already turned these into blossomed abilities is a conscious healer, and he has the responsibility to help others awaken to their innate healing gifts.

Those groups of Health providers offering help for those suffering from one form of addiction or the other are doing a great job. But they are not really there yet. They still see it as a physical disease, but it is not.

Addiction is a psychic disease! 
It isn’t something about the body, rather it is all about spirituality. So many of the so called addicts are actually victims of ENERGY VAMPIRISM… where dark entities and obstinate earthbound souls with very dense vibrations feed off their vital energy.

The knowledge of ENERGY MEDICINE is what those of us here need to disseminate to more and more people, so that they will know how to live consciously and take responsibility for their thoughts and the vibrations they dispense into their surroundings.

The one who have the knowledge of the intricacies in addictions can help heal the victim of addiction by helping such to have the correct knowledge of the causes of his addiction.

The victim must be ready and willing to be healed. It is only when he applies the knowledge given to him that he will be able to awaken and bestir his spirit and take full responsibility of his vibrations.

Healers providing different supportive therapies for the victims of addiction will be successful ONLY when the victim exercises his free will to free himself from the causes of addiction.

This is where Counsellors, Nutrition experts, Herbologists, Crystal Healers, Energy Therapists,Aura Healers,Magnetic Healers, and all others become useful. 

We that are aspiring to be the New Breed of Healers (Physicians) must not fall into the same error that the Orthodox Physicians fell into.. 
The error of treating just symptoms.. 

The error of assuming the responsibility of healing the other.. 
The error of letting the one that needs healing sit back and keep doing exactly what he has been doing that brought about the disharmony in body and soul while expecting someone else to do the healing for him.

Indeed we are healers, only to the levels of our consciousness. 
I will therefore affirm that all human spirits are healers, but some are more healers than others. 

The ancient saying: “Man know thyself” will also translate into :
“Healer heal thyself! “

Dr Kayode Oseni is the Chief Consultant, Alayo Health & Wellness Centre, Tanimowo Shopping Complex, 100, Abeokuta – Ibadan Road, Adatan, Car Wash, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
Phone: 08034170747; Whatsapp: 08092472767

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