Great that the new Kingdom shall come


By Banji Ayoola

At last, it will be…

Sometime ago when the intellect ruled and reigned here on earth in the affairs of men against the Divine Holy Will, for many thousands of years until now; when this tool of the human being, the servant, once dominated over its master in almost every man, every woman everywhere on earth; when the intellect violently overthrew its master, seized and took over the throne that lawfully belonged to another; when this tool of the human being locked and tied away the owner of the usurped throne, the spirit.

And thereby cut off all mankind and the entire earth from the Spiritual Realm, from which radiantly stream powers constantly in radiations to lubricate, enrich, and bless the earth, all the human beings, and every creature sojourning in it.

With this, it also thereby cut mankind off from the Divine and the Holy Throne of the Almighty Father the Source of all existence, of all powers.

The spirit was sent down to this earth from its original home above in the Spiritual Realm at the fringes of the Luminous Kingdom of the Almighty Father.

To unfold, develop, and mature here, and at the same time ennoble its surroundings on earth, and move on as a fully mature and valuable human being in this wonderful Creation.

Oh! It has been a period of utmost horror for mankind, other creatures here, and the entire earth.

When everything was subjected to the crude dictates of only the dry, cold, and calculating intellect.

When the servant the intellect ruled and reigned, having overthrown its master the spirit which assures a firm connection of mankind and this earth with the streams of Light, the guidance, help, and blessings radiantly and abundantly flowing from above for earthly application.

When the intellectual mankind eliminated the Holy Will of the Almighty Father from our affairs.

And ruled ourselves based on purely intellectual or human laws crafted out of our own conception of justice that had little or no connection with the perfect, just, and universal Natural Laws expressing the Holy Will and Justice of the Almighty Father on earth.

It was a period of utmost disaster for mankind who were compelled to suffer unspeakable horror under a system of justice forcefully imposed on us that was a mockery of the Divine Holy Will.

It is a great relief that this horror is coming to an end and being replaced by the new Kingdom where only the Will of the Almighty Father shall be done here on earth as It is in Heaven.

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