Good move

  • But beyond over-due salary increase, the police need a complete makeover

The presidential directive to the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission, to upwardly review the salaries and benefits of men and officers of the Nigeria Police, should warm not a few souls. “I have directed the National Salaries, Income and Wages Commission to carry out an upward review of police salaries and benefits,” President Muhammadu Buhari announced on June 10, during his one-day trip to Lagos.  “We are currently recruiting 10, 000 new police officers to reinforce our personnel capacity across this country.”

These twin moves — more money, and more personnel, for the belaboured and beleaguered police  — are welcome.  The moves are especially salutary because boosting police welfare was part of the promise the government made, during the highly disruptive #EndSARS protests, riots and arson, of which many luckless police personnel were grim casualties.  It is good that the Federal Government is making good its promise.

During the Lagos trip, the president also claimed his administration had been the most police-friendly since 1999, referencing the Nigeria Police Trust Fund of 2019 (public-private sector funding to boost police welfare, logistics and improvement) and the Nigeria Police Act of 2020 (a sweeping update of an act originally enacted in 1943).

“This new act, a vast improvement over the old one, among other things,” the president enthused, “spells out the modalities for the implementation of a National Community Police Scheme in Nigeria.”

To be clear: any move to rid the police of their “unfortunate relative” status, in the defence-cum-security chain, must be applauded.  All through the long years of military rule, the police suffered severe structural discrimination, that inflicted near-fatal injury on the force’s operational soul and personnel self-esteem.

It, therefore, borders on sweet irony that a former military head of state is now an elected president saddled with righting that long-time wrong.  Another comeuppance, from that era of police neglect, is that the military are progressively forced into internal security chores — witness the spiraling banditry and kidnapping for ransom — areas which ought to have been the forte of the police, had they evolved organically, over the years.

Still, the paradox of a “National Community Police Scheme in Nigeria” must be clear to all.  Perhaps, the first radical structural revamp, that Nigerian policing urgently craves, is to legalise state police — for states that can afford it.  This can be done by amending the 1999 Constitution, to put the police under the concurrent list.

That way, the infusion of sheer quantum alone — not to talk of the prospects of added training and materiel — would have a salutary effect on crime-fighting.  State police formations, more familiar with their immediate locale, can make a big dent on critical intelligence-gathering, since intel is crucial to successful combat of crime.

A formula can then be wrought, such that both federal and state police seamlessly work.  If after then, the federal police still want to deepen its community arm, such a move would be win-win for all — with only criminals complaining.

With state police in view, therefore, the Nigeria Police Trust Fund, aside from a focus on welfare and hardware, should come out with a template of computerised police stations nationwide.  With IT-led crime fighting, a crime database could easily be tapped into, with the mere press of a button, at the remotest of police outposts nationwide.  That, and its accompanying training, would give police personnel a sense of sophistication, worth and belonging, aside from renewed pride in their work.

Increased salaries, better kitting and boosted welfare all round, are sound strategies to reclaim the soul and pride of the Nigeria Police.  But they only represent the crucial starting steps to a complete makeover — which itself can’t be complete without computerization of police crime-fighting operations and administration.

That is the very basic minimum, for a 21st century police, if it is to stand the ghost of a chance in checkmating sophisticated criminals.

The Nation

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