By Kemi Ajiboye
Sometimes one knowingly or without intending to hurt and wound self through some error(s), might struggle with dealing with the consequences and forgiving self.
To withhold forgiveness keeps alive emotions of hurt, anger and blame which discolours your perception of life. Toxic and destructive emotions have the potential to activate certain diseases. Stop making yourself sick.
Of all the people we have had to forgive, forgiveness of self might have been the most difficult. Un-forgiveness towards self is a cancer that will eat away at your heart hurting others also out of your hurt. You have to forgive yourself in order to move forward.
However difficult it is —————
It is time to stop being a prisoner of your past; It is time to become the architect of your future which you can consciously and joyfully create.
You have to love and forgive yourself, you cannot forgive yourself without first “Unconditionally Loving yourself”. This is not “Love” born out of sentimentality but of the kind “Love” emanating from the “Cross of Christ Jesus; the one courageously even though ‘Bleeding”, saying,….. I love. I forgive. I let it go, It is finished…!
You are the image of God; Your voice should not curse one who has been made in the image of God.
May we be enabled to let go off the confessed ungodly accountability, self-abasement, and vows we have made to never forgive our-self, choosing instead to forgive self, to no longer punish self and be angry with self.
I pray God, the Divine Source help us to never again retain un-forgiveness of self or others with the realisation that, “Un-forgiveness of error(s) towards self is itself a sin (error); May the balm of His love heal our heart IJN, Ase Edumare.
Please make the decision to free yourself, standing with all “Trust” in the infinite Divine Light that knows how to heal our deepest and most painful wounds.
You cannot have Heaven and hell together.