By Kemi Ajiboye
“Therefore, I thank God, the source of all for the “Enemies”, who are really my “Friends” that don’t know it yet…..”
It is said, “That the flowers and thorns should grow together is an agreement for “Good”.
Therefore, “All” experiences are meant for your growth and ascension, everything and everyone is your “Teacher”. When we come to this realisation and distill this truth, we come to the knowledge that no experience is “Bad”, every experience is “Good”.
“We cannot learn without pain”. When you also come to the realisation that, “Pain” is your friend, you take your focus off the distraction of how it is making you feel and focus on what it is trying to “Teach” you.
What we call bad is just a feeling which is a way of identification in a process. It’s like being in a laboratory and mixing up different chemicals to achieve a certain end result. Despite, the chemical formation and behaviour of each one, with proper distillation, the “Alchemist” will transform to “Gold”.
Connected to you, the enemy is also “Blessed”, you are two ends of a straight line.
I thank you God, the grand source of all for “Enemies” because they in part get the credit for driving us into the divine purpose and plan for our life, Ase Edumare.
To all “Enemies”, Thank you very much for your “love”.