By Sola Adeyegbe
Do not say that the stars are to blame for your situation. The enemies seen, and unseen also have little to do with your condition. Do you blame your actions or inaction on your genes, “make up “or feelings? You may also blame it all on your temperament. All these may well rule over one – but if and only if they are allowed.
A lot depends on we ourselves. The stars channel only what we have sown for ourselves in the gardens of this world. The Power of the Almighty which streams through us is stronger than any evil thoughts of the enemy if only we do not colour the Power with our impure thoughts. Our genes, “make up”, feelings or temperament can be brought under the firm control of the deep intuition of our spirit.
Let us therefore awake truly and let our spirit take the leading role. Fear must not also arise in us as this can attract what is not our real desire. A free and joyful spirit is the antidote to all brooding just as genuine laughter can chase away all darkness.
May we therefore begin to sow only that which will bring us true happiness, use the Power that flows through us only for the good and make sure that the tyranny of our bodies is curtailed effectively by our alert spirits.
We will succeed if we strongly wish for it and rely on the Pure Power that streams to us from on High!