Derek Chauvin’s murderous actions and comparative translational graphoanalysis correlates


By Ben Ezeohagwu

It was tragic drama that ensued on the 25th May, 2020 in the United States of America by the White Police Officer, Mr. Derek Chauvin, as one of the main characters, who applied pressure to his (George Floyd) neck pinned to the floor and with accompanying complimentary strain on Mr. George Floyd’s body by two other Police officers, which subsequently led to the death of 46-year-old African American, George Perry Floyd.

“I can’t breathe”, Mr. George Floyd said repeatedly, pleading for his mother and begging “please, please, please”. For eight minutes and 46 seconds, Mr. Derek Chauvin kept his knee on Mr. George Floyd’s neck, the prosecutors report says.  Racism is not a new phenomenon in human history. It’s hoped long before now that humans of diversely different races and colours, would have overcame successfully one of the coarsest human societal aberrant factors known as Racism.

Unfortunately, the murder of George Floyd and previously recent high-profile cases of Micheal Brown in Ferguson, Eric Garner in New York, Breonna Taylor in Kentucky, Ahmad Arbery in Glynn County, Georgia and others have driven the Black Lives Matter Movement… once again reminding everyone the devil in the phenomenon of Racism.

The essence of this article is to clearly examine the Comparative Translational Graphoanalysis Correlates of Derek Chauvin’s murderous actions. In other words, how Derek Chauvin’s murderous actions would be correlatively expressed on telltale psychographic features on his handwritten documents (script and signature specimens). It should be noted that every physically conspicuous human movement or action (benevolent or malevolent) has its obviously corresponding telltale psychographic feature on paper, which reflects the personality trait of the human entity (Ezeohagwu 2014).  In other words, conspicuously boldly manifest human movements or actions are a fully ripe psychological expressions of the developed inner feelings and emotions that reveal the kind of personality such a human being is.

Derek Chauvin is a veteran Police officer who worked for the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) for more than 18 years. Then, within one week thereafter, he was filmed kneeling on George Floyd’s neck for eight minutes before he (George Floyd) died; Derek Chauvin was then fired from the Police Department, and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter (Google, 2020). Before Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd’s neck, Chauvin was the subject of 18 prior complaints filed against him with the Minneapolis Police Department’s Internal Affairs.  Police confirmed the complaints were filed but didn’t detail why they were filed or what they entailed.  Only two of the 18 complaints were “closed with discipline”, according to a MPD Internal Affairs Public Summary.  In both cases, Derek Chauvin received a letter of reprimand.  Derek Chauvin had received oral reprimands for using a “demeaning tone”, “derogatory language” and other language that merited discipline – according to Communities Against Police Brutality.  (CNN May, 2020).

In view of the brief sketch work-related personage of Derek Chauvin and his murderous actions of exerting his hot-tempered impatiently tragic and cruel pressure on a Black American citizen, George Floyd … pinning him (George Floyd) on the floor…that led to the death of 46-year-old, George Perry Floyd, manifests that racist perception still exists in America and other so-called developed nations of the world.  However, at the time of writing this article… I am … inaccessible to Derek Chauvin’s script and signature specimens for graphoanalysis of his personality traits and behavioral pattern, this inaccessibility calls and raises the need to engage in alternative graphological assessment tool  referred to as Comparative Translational Graphoanalysis Correlates of Derek Chauvin’s murderous actions.

As earlier highlighted that for any conspicuously boldly manifest human movements or actions (benevolent or malevolent) could be… are a fully ripe psychological expressions of developed inner feelings and emotions that reveal the kind of personality such a human being is.  Script and signature are a graphically inscribed expressively frozen bodily movements of human feelings and thoughts on paper …  which reveal the kind of human personality (traits) and behavioural patterns of the human entity behind the pen on paper, which  correspond to physically visible actions (Ezeohagwu, 2014).

The use of insensitively brutal excessively unlawful force by the White Police Officers, particularly Derek Chauvin, who pinned down George Floyd on his neck to the floor with his knee, despite George Floyd’s plea for his life went unheeded, such murderously inhuman actions of Derek Chauvin correlate with the following Graphoanalysis as could be obviously observed as psychographic features of Derek Chauvin’s script and signature specimens, if provided: Derek Chauvin would definitely manifest extremely heavy pressure texture of psychographic strokes in his script and signature specimens, an undeveloped manifestation of his insensitively inhuman emotional stance; Derek Chauvin would also express in his script and signature specimens, lowerzone letters formations that are unusually inscribed and exaggerated in boldly heavy pressure texture, disagreeable pastosity of coarse and arrhythmic psychographic stroke patterns.  Derek Chauvin would also manifest in his script and signature samples, other psychographic inconsistently and disorderedly wavering stroke features in terms of spaces between letters in a word and words in a line, and in between lines of a script.  (Holder,R, 1969., Ezeohagwu, 2018., Craze,R, 1994), among others.

No doubt, Derek Chauvin’s murderous actions on George Floyd is no progress for humanity.  It’s a symptom of decay and shame for Americans …  The tone of :  I want to breathe, but I cannot breathe; I could not see his face, his knee was on my neck; life was going fast away from my body; I want to breathe, but I cannot breathe. The poetic lines just expressed are proclamations and lamentations of  total failure of humanity, using Racism as a physical phenomenon of failure in this case,  a total failure of mankind.  It’s hoped that both Black and White will soon come to the recognition of their unfortunate depth of  aberration  and strive in time … which seems late already to come off … from their darkness into light.

Ben Ezeohagwu is Professor of Graphonomy, and Chancellor, African American University, Porto-Novo, Republic of Benin.  (+234)8173175540, website:  


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