By Prof Kola Keshinro
GSM: 09032084973
Revelation Chapter 21-22: 1 &2 started that: ‘…I saw a new heaven and a new earth …then…I saw the Holy City New Jerusalem coming down…from God…the Great City…had a great high wall with 12 gates…three gates on the east, three gates on north, three gates on the south and three gates on the West…and the city was pure gold, like clear glass…And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass…there shall by no means enter anything that defies…In the middle of its street on either side of the river was the tree of life which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month, the leaves of the trees were for the healing of the nations.”
The above excerpt from the Christian Bible Shows the picture of a new clean city which descends from God in Heaven to the Earth. The new city, New Jerusalem on Earth has a clean sparkling river flowing at its center, at either side of the river are the trees of life which bears twelve manners of fruits, each month new fruit and the leaves of the trees are for the healing of the peoples.
On 4th August, 2004 in Ogunlade Hall, Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex Ile-Ife (OAUTHC), Revd Dr. Akinsehinwa of the Christian Medical Center at Idominasi addressed the South-West Nigerian Congress of Christian Medical and Dental Associations (CMDA) and stated that “AIDS will go round, but that the solution to AIDS is Municipal/Environment Sanitation and Clinical Botanical Medicine as highlighted in Revelation 21-22: 1&2.
Tidy and Clean homes, tidy and clean surroundings, clean streets, clean air in the communities, clean rivers and clean water in the communities. Garden cities towns and villages with health food giving plants supplying fruits of the season for health promotion and the leaves of the plants for the healing of the peoples.
Chukwuma Muanya, an Assistant Editor in a 12 May 2016 article in The Guardian of Nigeria, reported that Prof Oyeku Akibu Oyelami and his Co-Researchers at OAUTHC, Ile-Ife embrace herbs for healing. In the above named article, Prof Oyelami stated that Clinical Botanical Medicine which deals with the use of herbs and related natural products have been medically proven to be the solution to myriads of diseases killing people especially children in Sub-Sahara Africa. In his book “A clinician’s Experience with herbs that heals” Prof Oyelami gave an overview of Herbal Medicine, Honey, Aloe Vera, Grape fruit seeds, Pawpaw, Bitter Kola, Avocado pear etc. as natural medicine resources for treating malaria, diabetes mellitus, cancer, HIV/AIDS, common skin ailments etc.
Also, Prof Adebayo Lamikanra in the book stated that Herbal/Clinical Botanical Medicine was the Standard Medical Practice all over the world until about 65years ago when chemically designed drugs became available for treatment of deadly ailments. The fact according to Prof Lamikanra that the human race survived in the pre-chemotherapeutic age is testimony to the power of Herbal/Clinical Botanical Medicine.
Prof Oyelami reported the effectiveness of some plants in making patients better, and he made the clarion call to other medical doctors in Nigeria and Sub-Sahara Africa to embrace clinical Botanical Medicine Research. “There is need for research not only into herbs that cure diseases but those that maintain good health as well.”
According to Prof, Oyelami, more than 90% of diseases can be traced to faulty lifestyles, particularly the sufferers Diet… Proper diet and healthful lifestyle it was stated, must be cultivated by every individual by relentless work. Prof Oyelami detailed how the miracle plant Aloe Vera was used by him to treat a wide range of skin diseases and other ailments like constipation, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS and cancer.
The tittle of this paper is “Clinical Botanical Medicine is the solution to AIDS in Sub-Sahara Africa. AIDS had been reported to be a disease killing majority of people in age range 15-39yrs especially women and their children.
AIDS is said to be caused by HIV. Prof I.F. Adewole the Nigerian Minister of Health, former Vice Chancellor of the University of Ibadan, as the Provost of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan in 2004, stated on BCOS Ibadan that HIV, said to cause AIDS, is a designer made virus (man-made virus); the designer who made HIV is the American Oncologist Dr. Bob Gallo. Bob Gallo himself stated that what we identified as HIV in Sub-Sahara African patients are Junks in the African Blood. From the above, AIDS is a curable disease.
To cure AIDS in Africa, we need to clear the Junks not only from the blood of the Africans but also from the environment at large. We need clean environment, we need to cultivate plants in our homes, estates and cities which can be used to promote health. The herbs provide us food and medicine.
With herbs “Our food is the medicine that our body needs” to quote Toyin Esther a friend on Facebook and Pioneer of PL Transform Limited in Nigeria.