Christians, the Radiant Star and the Great Comet (1)


By Femi Kusa

If you have to assess a man or a woman for his or her networth, ignore the sounding brass and noise maker. Humility and being unassuming is the off shoot of greatness! Imagine what would have happened in Bethlehem on the night Baby Jesus was born if the wife of the governor of Judea had a baby in the town that night. Sirens might have been blaring and many soldiers would have barricaded several streets adjourning the hospital for security purposes. The nation’s best doctors, nurses and facilities would have been in attendance.

On that day, One that one may call a co-owner of our gigantic universe, for want of the right expression, the Lord had to be born in a manager where shepherds kept and fed their sheep! Even the only signs which marked Him out as a Stranger in our world remained invisible to the high and mighty of that time, including the leaders of religion who fastidiously awaited His arrival as prophesized.

There was the dove, the spiritually visible sign of the Holy Spirit, above the Head. The Cross of Truth, the Sign of God, stood behind Him. Above the manger stood the Star that became known as the star of Bethlehem. It was the Radiant star, which detached itself from its orign in the spiritual realms, Paradise, to accompany Jesus on His mission to our earth, as a greeting from the Father. Only few men on earth were called to recognise it and what it represented in the Divine Mission to the earth.

The cycle of the AGE OF THE Father was closing. In its place, the cycle of the AGE OF THE SON was opening. Some day, this age, too, would close its cycle and usher in the AGE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, which, as Jesus would speak about in the course of His earth Mission, would proclaim the judgement or END TIME. Didn’t Jesus instruct that whenever He went away, the Spirit of Truth would come to remind humanity of His Message, reprove the world of sin and righteousnessand then proclaim the judgement?

In the age of the Holy Spirit, another Spiritual Star would detach from the spiritual world in support of the Anchorage on Earth of the WILL OF GOD or Justice of God, the Holy Spirit. What a semblance it would be with the time of Jesus.

Only a wonder in the sky when it probably would have been too late would suggest to humanity that something stupendous is going on. That wonder in the sky is the Great Comet, of which several predictions have been made, including those by TOMKAY, in his wonderful book, WHEN THE COMET RUNS, Prophet Ezekiel, the Bible’s book of revealations, and In the Light of Truth the Grail Message by Abd-ru-shin. All these revealations speak of the Great Star as coming from the abode of the Star of Bethlehem, but much, much larger than it, standing by our sun.

When it enters our world, it outshines our sun several times day and night and causes gravitational and other changes in the universe which would have serious influence on the earth.

Meanwhile, surrounding Baby Jesus in that manger in Bethlehem on the Holy Night was an Heavenly Host who accompanied Him to the earth for His mission. Seen by the three wise men, what does the scenario teach us? The “heavenly host”, comprising angels and other non-angelic beings dwelling in “heaven”, were temporarily on earth to which they accompanied Baby Jesus for a purpose.

Every Christmas season, such as this one, I loosen myself into Bible stories for whatever new deep recognitions of them I may have. This time, I return to my story of Creation and the purpose of earthly existence, which makes the most logical sense to me. In this story, the Creator of Creation predated Creation. No one has ever seen Him nor will ever do. Thus, He is unsubstantiate and passes human understanding.

From splittings of messages or knowledge passed down to the earth from the “heavens”, we can gleam the following…
1) As the starting point of existence stands the Almighty Creator. He is Divine and exists in a Divine world in which the Angels also exist. He does not need anyone or anything to exist. Everyone and everything which exists needs the Creator to be. For the Creator is LIFE. No one in existence, including the Angels, has ever seen Him or will ever do. Therefore, he is UNSUBSTANTIATE.

The Creator dwells in the unsubstantiate part of the Divine world, seperated by a surging ocean of flames from the substantiate part where angels dwell .This ocean of flames spans distances which human understanding cannot fathom. Angels existed before THE FIRST Creation came into being. Logically, they were not part of Creation.

2) Angels are Beings who could stand the pressure of the Power of the Creator only far, far from the surging oceans of flames, where their world exists. Beings who could not withstand the pressure and the power were, literally speaking, like icecream or ice block in the scorching tropical African sun or in a sauce pan on gas fire. They would be unconscious and exist only in seed germ status. Even the Angels cannot cross the surging ocean of flames without losing consciousness. It is all a question of energy voltage or capacity. A lower energy cannot resist a higher energy, just as the energy of a human body cannot resist high voltage electricity.

3) We humans belong to the “SPIRIT” species in the radiations of the unsubstantiate core of the Almighty Creator. The Angels dwell in the world above ours, Paradise, and belong to the Divine substantiate specie of Divinity and consciously exist where they are because they can withstand the unsubstantiate Power and pressure there. Humans, too, that is the spiritual species, have the capacity for conscious existence, but only farther away from the substantiate Angels. In the process of their development in the vicinity of the Almighty Creator, they develop the longing for it.

4) This longing of the spiritual species led to the allegorical statement…”LET US CREATE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE” … It is unfathomable that this invitation went to the Angels, for they have nothing to do with THE WILL OF GOD, Who carries out His Will and is known as the HOLY SPIRIT. That is why, in the Creation story, we learn that ” the spirit of God” hovered over the land.

Sometime between the 1980s and 1990s, the leader of one of the most popular christian sects in Nigeria announced in a front page advertisment in THE GUARDIAN newspaper that the Holy Spirit, and not Jesus, created the world and would come to judge it. This fits the alert of THE BOOK OF REVEALATIONS about HIM “…who was, who is, and who is to come, of whom Jesus was a “FAITHFUL WITNESS”. Jesus Himself had suggested that “when the spirit of Truth is come, he would reprove the world of sin and proclaim the judgement.”

5) We learn that the command LET THERE BE LIGHT went out before the creation of man ” in the IMAGE OF GOD”. The Light and Power of God shot through a dark and cold void below the world of the angels to energize and warm it and bring about existence. That was the FIRST CREATION. This is the CREATION of Man and of Paradise often spoken about.

6) Thus, in Paradise, the pressure of the Power of God had been sufficiently stepped down to create a kingdom or world for the spiritual species longing for consciousness. But not all members of this spiritual species could exist in the new kingdom given to their species to experience life. Thus, we earth men and earth women are not the images of God in the first Creation. At best, we would become, in our highest blooms, SHADOWS OF THE IMAGES OF GOD. For it was to these images that the Grace was granted to bring about the huge material worlds, SUBSEQUENT CREATION, as a soil in which to sow us earth men and women as human spirit seed germs. Why have we not wondered: Would God’s direct Creation be impacted as our material world and we ourselves earth men and earth women? He is PERFECTION. So is the PARADISE He created in which we aspire to spend eternity when we become perfect human spirits.

In the state of highest perfection for our species, we would never be able to exist or to “live” in the realms of the IMAGES. Their realms are far, far above the realms we aspire to. And that was why Jesus said that no man born of woman however great he may be, was greater than John the Baptist, an image of God called to be His Forerunner. Whenever I remember this statement, I wonder how SALOME, who caused the beheading of John the Baptist, and the king who ordered it to please her, would feel in the knowledge of their smallness and abuse of earthly political authority!

The material world is like a soil for the planting of immature spiritual seed germs. So, we earth men and women were planted there to germinate, flower and fruit. Like everything which exists, this soil has a time it came into being, a lifespan and a time it would pass away. The Law of the Cycle ensures that every beginning flows to an end, which is the beginning. Thus, evaporated water returns as rain, inhailed air is exhaled, blood flows from the heart and returns there. Food and water intakes, return to the soil, and night and day, like the seasons, follow this path, all driven by The Law of Motion which compels everything, even the clouds, air, sea waves etc, to be on the move. For the earth, the END TIME is when its cycle would close, and it would be disintegrated, “pass away” as Jesus said, for its primeval materials to be reconfigured into a new stronger planet.

7) Meanwhile, the spiritual seed germs sown in the soil of matter were not maturing as planned, and the time allotted for this, was running out. They risked disintegration (spiritual or final death) in the disintegration of the earth. Lucifer, stately and powerful archangel appointed to guide them, had caused many to “fall” by not tending them with supporting or helpful love as commanded by the Creator, but had introduced the PRINCIPLE OF TEMPTATION. This was a wrong “gardening technique” which despised the weak ones and left them to their fate in an evil sifting of the strong from the weak instead of supporting them all in HELPFUL LOVE. Time was running out. Some souls who did not wish to perish in the oncoming disintegration beseeched the Creator for His help. Granting this prayer, the mission to the earth of the love of God was set up.

8) All realms of existence jubilated. A heavenly host chosen to accompany Baby Jesus to the earth was sighted by THE THREE WISE MEN ON THE HOLY NIGHT. They, like John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, arrived ahead of Him. So did his disciples and other mission members such as virgin Mary, who would be His earthly mother, Pontius Pilate, who would be helped to earthly authority to protect Him. The three wise men were blessed with the knowledge of astrology, which made them respectable, and they were endowed, also, with material wherewithal as shepherds. Actually, there were four of them, each representing one of the FOUR PILLARS of CREATION. One had difficulty linking up with the three for their journey to Bethlehem. He arrived after Joseph and Mary had fled to Egypt with Baby Jesus. In the fufillment of spiritual calls, no excuse such as waiting for others is a tenable excuse if failure occurs at one’s duty post. The three others made a mistake of revealing a prized Creation secret, though in ignorance and joy, to King Herod, a minion of Lucifer who sought every opportunity to abort the Mission of Jesus. The early life of Jesus bore no special testimonial of His high Mission, to carry the Word of God among men, to shine Light into the darkness spurned by men into the material world in order to help them find their way back home to Paradise before the disintegration.

Jesus would later find His disciples who, in the higher spheres of existence, vowed to serve Him on earth and, for this purpose had been annointed and prepared for the mission. He linked up with John the Baptist. The Jesus story will continue into the Easter memorial all with reminisces of the snares Lucifer placed in the way to abort it.

Meanwhile, the story of the birth of Jesus affords us the opportunity to review our standing in SUBSEQUENT CREATION as we journey into the Age of the Holy Spirit, the herald of which is the Great Comet, and of which Jesus forewarned…” Sins against the father and the son will be forgiven, but sins against the holy spirit will not be forgiven.” Does this mean the Holy Spirit is superior to the Father and to Jesus? Oh no! . It only means the Holy Spirit is the Will of God through Whom He brought Creation to being, administers it and will judge it. Jesus, the Love of God, only came to warn us as an emergency act of Grace that danger was impending sooner than thought in the material spheres.

Memories of the Radiant Star should be reminders that the Great Comet is on the way. We can also call this Comet the Star of Bethlehem. They have the same orign, in the spiritual world, and the same content, spiritual essence, but serve different purposes. The Star of Bethlehem accompanied the Love of God, Jesus, to the earth as a greeting from the Father, to open the cycle of the Age of the Son. The Great Comet is coming, to close that cycle and open that of the age of the Holy Spirit, the Justice of God, and usher in the Millennium during which the free will of man will be bound and only the Will of God will prevail on earth. Jesus foretold it when He said, in reference to the Holy Spirit… When he, the spirit of Truth is come he will rebuke the world of sin and proclaim the judgement.

In the book, When the comet runs, American journalist TOM KAY pooled biblical and other prophesies of this comet, to which NOSTRADAMUS, too, must have made references in his predictions.
My first encounter with THE GREAT COMET was IN THE GRAIL MESSAGE. It will come to our world in a straight line from the spiritual world. Closing the cycle of the Age of THE SON OF GOD, it would offer help for repentance and forgiveness to no fewer than three major sets of persons…those, such as in Christian churches, who have distorted the pure and true teaching of Jesus to serve their cravings for earthly power and influence; those who made the Mission of Jesus not only traumatic for Him but, also, inconclusive, and those called ones who pledged loyalty to the Mission in the higher realms but, on earth, forgot their callings. Such groups included the four wise men, Judas Iscariot and Pontius Pilate whose wife warned him three times to let Jesus go but feared for his job as Governor of Judea. There are predictions, too, that, before it arrives in our atmosphere, the Great Comet will hold the earth in its grip, suck up the waters and cause several earthquakes.

I always remember the warning that ALL THAT IS DEAD IN CREATION WILL BE AWAKENED TO PASS JUDGEMENT ON THEMSELVES. By this is meant that none of us would be able to hide from the judgement radiations of THE GREAT COMET. It will be all about human nature, even those weaknesses or strengths we may no longer remember are part of our make up…envy, adultery, fornication, murder, intimidation, greed etc. They will be roused and energised so that we can impact them and, in doing so, encounter persons more destructive than we are.

When I hear of a man aged 75 or older defiling girls aged ten or younger, this is the picture I remember. When Russia and Ukraine are at war and the United States is backing Ukraine, that, also, is the picture. When we are hungry and cannot feed ourselves despite endowment with huge, rich arable land, that is the picture. When the world’s economy goes down, that is it. We are told that all that is false in Creation will inevitably collapse as the free will of man comes under bound. In this light, are not more marriages crashing than before? Is it easier today to find the right spouse?

Think of fathers making their daughters pregnant. Think of men gang raping a pregnant woman to death. Remember religious strife in many African countries. What about climate change? Is it caused by the burning of fossil fuel alone,or are there changes in the structural framework of the Universe as well?

Where are jobs? What about security? Which government worldwide is solving problems? Didn’t Isiah say TAKE COUNSEL TOGETHER, AND THE WORLD WILL NOT STAND FOR GOD IS WITH US?

  • Kusa, a former Editor of The Guardian and an ex-Editor-in-Chief of The Comet, writes from Lagos.



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