Capture that woman’s voice, ‘break the bias’ in your marriage


By Elizabeth Badejo

The rate of separation, divorce and infidelity in marriage has continued to rise, partly due to social, economic and ethnic factors. However, we cannot ignore the role of women in upholding the standards of society. As the world celebrates International Women’s Day on Tuesday, March 8, it is important for women to encourage the men in their lives to pay more attention to capturing the voices of women around them – the mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, colleagues and friends. It is a wake-up call to ‘Break the Bias’ and create an inclusive world where differences are valued, and strengths are celebrated together.


Historically, women have been faced with making life-changing decisions from being the girl-child facing inequality and fighting for her own escape from limitations at home to her lack of opportunity to pursue her dreams due to cultural constraints. Today, some women make the decision to stay in their marriages not because they find fulfilment in the institution or are afraid of cultural bias of walking away, but because for some, it is a choice to stay and face the challenges which could be temporary, permanent, and sometimes unfortunately life-threatening. For some, it can become a selfless act of protecting her children so that they can continue to have a roof over their heads in a society where there is no social welfare for a woman and her children fleeing domestic abuse.


Research has shown that men who have cultural gender-role attitude are more likely to exercise control and be less appreciative of women in their lives, let alone show interest in capturing their voices. This situation can affect the woman’s emotional stability and that of the children. It is therefore important to reflect on your gender attitude towards your wife and the impact your cultural beliefs may be having on your marriage at a time when the world in involving around you. Start by capturing her voice and giving her the opportunity to share her feelings with you, so that you can both look at the negatives and the positives and find the best ways to support her. There are two people in your marriage and if only one person’s voice is controlling the home affairs, your wife will be walking on eggshells.


Most couples do not pay attention to the most essential elements of marriage which is expressing affection. One of the biggest biases in marriage is ignorance, which often manifests as lack of awareness of the other person’s feelings. The length of your marriage does not justify the fact that your wife is happy in the relationship despite that you do not understand her love language. Paying attention to your wife’s behaviour is key in understanding her feelings and how to support her.

Most women find it difficult to start this conversation either due to cultural modesty or fear of condemnation. Having uncomfortable conversations is a wonderful way to capture the voice of your wife and connect with her innermost self, especially if you have been doing things the same way all along. Understanding how to meet your wife’s intimate desire shows that you really care about her emotional well-being, which is crucial for a healthy and long-lasting marriage.

The Punch

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