By Kayode Oseni
Health is wealth. You need CBD oil. What is CBD oil?
CBD oil is extracted from the Hemp plant which is part of the Cannabis family but which does NOT give you a “high” or “drug induced state” like Marijuana which is a different species of the same Cannabis plant.
CBD has been found to be purely medicinal – it interacts extremely well with our human endocannabinoid system and has been used for many centuries for its healing properties.
The hemp plant is only now becoming accepted and made popular through the influence of Alternative Health practitioners on the mainstream medical community, such as Dr Sanjay Gupta of CNN, who have finally admitted that CBD oil is highly beneficial and effective in dealing with many ailments and conditions that affect the human body.
Interestingly, CBD oil is safe as a herbal nutritional supplement for children as well as animals, especially domestic pets like dogs. We have seen amazing testimonials that they have all been able to benefit from CBD oil as well.
10 CBD Facts You Need To Know
- Key Ingredient
Cannabidiol is a key ingredient in cannabis, one of more than 60 compounds unique to the plant and grouped under the umbrella term “cannabinoids.” Cannabidiol, otherwise known as CBD, and THC are usually the most common cannabinoids in the plant and are therefore the most widely studied.
- Won’t Get You High
CBD does not get you high like THC does. THC causes euphoria by binding to special CB1 and CB2 nerve receptors in the brain. CBD does not bind to these receptors, so cannabidiol does not get you stoned.
- CBD From Hemp is Legal in some parts of USA
CBD can be made from medical marijuana plants or industrial hemp plants. Marijuana is illegal under federal law but legal in some states. Industrial hemp when grown in other countries can be imported legally into the United States, making it easier for consumers to get CBD treatment without breaking the law.
- Cannabinoid Levels Vary
CBD and THC levels, known as cannabinoids, vary between plants. Marijuana plants grown for recreational use tend to be high in THC and varying amounts of CBD. Industrial hemp plants are very low in THC while medical marijuana plants are typically high in CBD.
- No Prescription Needed
It is legal to order CBD made from industrial hemp plants online for use in any state (USA) without a prescription. Individuals ordering CBD products made from medical marijuana plants must live in a state where medical marijuana is legal and have a prescription.
- Has Medical Value
Scientific studies show CBD provides therapeutic medicinal benefits. According to a 2013 review published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, it soothes nausea and vomiting, acts as an anti-oxidant to reduce free radicals that cause neurodegenerative disorders, and works as an anti-inflammatory to reduce swelling. CBD also stimulates appetite and relieves pain.
- Benefits the Mind
CBD also combats psychological issues, including working as an antipsychotic to combat psychosis. Additionally, CBD works to reduce chronic anxiety and depression disorders. These benefits of CBD are also helpful for patients struggling with temporary anxiety and depression resulting from a more serious medical condition.
- Combats Cancer Spread
CBD products may reduce the spread of some types of cancer cells. The National Cancer Institute reviews several studies that show cannabidiol may have a protective effect against cancer. This review includes research investigating the benefits of CBD treatment for a variety of cancers, including breast, colorectal, and lung cancers.
- Reduces THC Fallout
CBD counteracts the negative effects of THC. According to research published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, CBD seems to prevent THC-induced memory impairment. CBD may also ease paranoia and other negative side effects commonly associated with THC.
- Helping Children with Seizures
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted the University of California at San Francisco researchers permission to study the effects of the purified cannabidiol drug on children with uncontrolled seizures. Study participants are all between the ages of 1 and 18 years, and all suffer symptoms resistant to conventional treatments. Many participants have Dravet syndrome, a condition that begins in early childhood and causes frequent, disabling seizures on a daily basis. The FDA and Drug Enforcement Agency promise to monitor the research closely. Pending FDA approval, more institutions will take up the study.
Here are just some of the ways CBD oil works in the body:
(The list is not exhaustive)
Analgesic – Relieves pain.
Antibacterial – Slows bacterial growth.
Anti-Diabetic – CBD is the only cannabinoid identified that helps lower blood sugar levels.
Antidepressant – Relieves symptoms of depression.
Anti-Emetic – Reduces vomiting and nausea.
Anti-epileptic – Reduces convulsions and convulsions.
Anti-inflammatory – Reduces inflammation in a systemic way.
Anti-Insomnia – Sleep aids.
Anti-ischemic – CBD is the only cannabinoid identified that reduces the risk of arterial blockage.
Antipsioratic – CBD is the only cannabinoid identified to treat psoriasis.
Anti-proliferative – Inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Antipsychotic – Calming effects to relieve the symptoms of psychosis, two terpenoids also help (linalol and myrcene).
Antioxidant – Prevents damage caused by oxidation to other molecules in the body.
Antispasmodic – Suppresses muscle spasms.
Anxiolytic – CBD is the only identified cannabinoid that relieves anxiety.
- In-HouseTestimonial
Dr Tracy from Jos, Nigeria
Diabetes, hypertension & cervical spondylosis
My name is Tracy, I am a Professor of Medicine and I live in Jos.
I am a very private person but the person that introduce me to the CBD oil has begged me several times to share my testimony. So, to appreciate what she did for me and for the benefit of others who may be suffering in silence like me and dying gradually, I will summarise what this amazing product has done for me.
I am diabetic, hypertensive and also I have cervical spondylosis.
I have been this way the last 9 years and because of my profession I was placed on the best drugs that medicine could offer.
*I was dying slowly*.
This lady, I call her an angel of light, introduced this amazing product to me in May 2018.
Today, 6 weeks later as I write this, my blood pressure has read persistently normal, and I have reduced my medications to les than half of what I was using.
My blood sugar has remained consistently low and I even indulge myself in eating things like cake without a spike in my blood sugar.
My strength has returned, I feel alive and the paralysing pain on my spine and shoulders are gone.
I give all the glory to God who enabled me to get to know about this product.
My testimonies are increasing every day and I thank the Almighty God.
This product is expensive I agree, even for me but I will rather not buy any new clothes or car than run out of the Cbd oil.
If you can afford it please get it.
- Dr Kayode Oseni is on 08034170747, or WhatsApp 08092472767