By Banji Ayoola
There are a thousand fetters with which we have firmly chained ourselves to this earth, this World of Matter, which will hold us in its grip until we liberate ourselves from it.
We must liberate, free ourselves from this suffocating enchainment. Which holds us down, barring our free independent movement to approach the ever richly laid Table of the Lord in Creation. To draw from His ever flowing, ever streaming, ever rich super abundance. In His wonderful Creation.
From this imprisonment, we can liberate ourselves only through inner awakening, deep from within.
Thus, we must burst the fetters, break through the fetters from within, and liberate ourselves from their firm, hostile grip. Break loose and free from them.
Fetters which grip, oppress, choke and strangulate. Fetters which we must throw of because they are useless, dangerous and deadly.
Fetters which we allowed to arise through our one sided intellectual thinking and spurning what could have uplifted us. Through our turning away from the Light to serve, devote ourselves wholly only to mere one sided intellectual thinking and activities.
Activities that are dry, lifeless, meaningless and useless in the long run. For they push us further away downwards. For they serve only the Darkness. Away, distances away from the Light.
We must break free from within. We must awake within. Wake up from the deadly slumber, and become active, alive once again, seriously deep from within.
Grasp once again the blessed inner purity, from which we had withdrawn. Inner purity or childlikeness which links us with, and which is a branch of the effect from out of, Divine Purity.
Once again, behold, embrace, deepen ourselves in childlikeness which is inner purity.
Absorb the rays of Divine Purity, live and work in Its rays henceforth among our fellow men on earth.
As such, allow rays of Divine Love to enter, penetrate into us, envelope us, our being, entire activity, and work as a whole. Rays of Divine Love Which works only through the rays of Divine Purity. Which can get to the earth, to all human beings, and to us, only through the rays of Divine Purity.