Blessed be the man who strives to swing with the Laws


By Banji Ayoola

The Almighty Father is the Highest of all the Heights at flaming fabulous distances high above the Divine, Where He is enthroned above all. He is the Highest in existence. And He alone is Holy.

His Will is expressed in the Divine Laws, otherwise called Natural Laws here on Earth.

These Laws, Which are perfect and unchangeable, define Him as Love and Justice Embodied. They express Who He is – Love and Justice.

He is Perfection. He is All-Knowledge. He is All-truths. All These are embodied in His Love and Justice, as conveyed in His Laws.

These Laws govern the Earth and the entire Creation.

Thus man’s greatest task on earth is to honestly strive to seek the knowledge of These Laws, and live Them.

He thereby strives to live and work as his Creator Wills.

And he will know peace, genuine and deep peace.

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