By Oyeyinka Oludayisi Fabowale
A verbal tiff between two prominent Nigerian politicians recently threw up a debate on which counts or counts more in judging the worth of a person and his importance to the society – his pedigree or personal character and accomplishments?
The two gladiators who stirred the controversy are no other persons than Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike and former Aviation Minister, Chief Femi Fani-Kayode (FFK).
Wike had likened the ex-minister to his late dad; the flamboyant former Deputy Premier of the defunct Western Nigeria in the First Republic on whom, he hung the infamous credentials of duplicity, treachery and unorthodox and undemocratic methods, he alleged trumped the late ebullient politician’s renowned brilliance as a lawyer and feats in politics.
With a whiff of disdain and condescension, Fani-Kayode had fired back daring Wike to tell the world about his own apparently less known and less illustrious father.
The Rivers State helmsman replied with an even more disparaging and sarcastic remark – His old man, he declared, was a Reverend gentleman who had no drug addict for a son!
Now, don’t ask me who won the war. What interests me is that both men can’t be said to be of mean stature. They are lawyers, highly educated, well exposed and leaders in their own rights, who have served or still serve in government. It is doubtful though that Nigerians would agree that they have made any distinguishing impact on community and national life with their education, long exposure and roles in Nigeria’s corridor of power! Beyond allegations of corruption, high-handedness and purported character deficit that swarm around them, some people see the politicians as simply too loud and hiding an empty inner shrine behind a façade! A person with less start-up advantage, a few argue, could achieve ten times the measure of what they could jointly claim to be their achievements in public office.
Another perspective on the tango
Mr. Isiaka Idowu Oyebamiji is the son of a father, he describes as a ‘Home tailor’, as distinct from a set of other tailors of his generation who, without any proof or certification as having trained in Britain dubbed themselves ‘London tailors’. And really, what qualified any one among this tribe of dressmakers to assume the vain title wasn’t particularly any sewing skills, which were often atrocious anyway. A dubious claim of having trained under one or two such allegedly London-trained experts in a city like Lagos sufficed. But more essentially, it was having a shop with adjoining showroom or show glass to display their wares fancifully called ‘ready-made’!
Pa Salawu Oyebamiji was too poor to afford any of these. He sewed his customers’ clothing under the same humble roof where he lived with his wives and brood.
But, wherever he may be in the various planes of existence now, the late old man must be proud and cool with himself for struggling to educate and imbue his children with specious moral teachings and values. Though, he neither bragged nor lived the lie of being a ‘London tailor’, two generations of his offspring, live the reality of not just an association with, but residency of the capital of the United Kingdom as, wait for it, … bona fide British citizens! Others, among them a doctor, a chartered accountant, graduate and undergraduates in various disciplines have either lived or living in America, Hong Kong, Hungary and some other European countries!
But living and making waves abroad are mere spin-offs of Pa Oyebamiji’s major and enduring legacy – His sowing and nurturing of the seeds of hard work, industry, integrity and godliness in his children particularly the eldest one, Isiaka, in whom they have germinated blossomed and exponentially flourished into oaks that now evoke the memory of the patriarch and his works even in his grave!
Isiaka Oyebamiji is the Proprietor, Chairman and CEO of Landmark College, an up-scale international private secondary school located in Ikorodu and reputed to be among the best in its cadre in Lagos. The life of the Edupreneur is an inspiring story of the amazing grace of the Almighty as well as his own determination, doggedness, resilience, fortitude and drive as a focused visionary to do the best he could in making the world a better place and in return to not settle for less than the best life could offer.
A tall dream for a child born into obscure and poor circumstances in Ibadan! But, the young Isiaka fought and surmounted the odds which tried to limit him, carving an enviable destiny for himself. From developing entrepreneurial skills through petty trading with which he supported his parents in sponsoring his and his siblings’ education, he fortuitously ended up training and working as a classroom teacher after his dream to become an aeronautic engineer collapsed because he lacked funds to travel to study in an American university that offered him admission for the course.
Although he was to fall in love with teaching, the general disdain for teachers and the abject conditions of service and welfare impelled him to train as a chartered accountant and pursue a career in banking. But he retired and returned to his first love, teaching, in fulfillment of a promise he made to help raise the bar of academic standards and management in the educational system. Commitment to this vision led to the founding of Landmark College which has since 2007, when it threw its gates open to students, established itself as probably the fastest -growing private school and a reference point in qualitative secondary education, with an efficient board of governors and a rainbow of youth- empowering and personality -development schemes in the country.
A person is in his works, indeed is his works
Since 2010, the students of the college have continuously recorded impressive, excellent results in various external examinations as well as in regional and national co-curricular competitions! One of these remarkable feats was when more than half of its candidates for the 2016/17 West African School Certificate Examinations/ Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (WASCE/SSCE) scored A1 in at least five subjects including English and Mathematics, required for university admission! It won Landmark College the ‘Best Private Secondary School Award’ in Lagos State that year. The college students meaningfully called ‘Nobles’ have also won laurels including ‘The Best Student in Mathematics’, speech delivery and debating as well as Spelling B contests. Most of the school’s alumni are spread across the globe doing great exploits while others are currently studying in universities in Nigeria, America, Europe and other parts of the world!
Until last week, I’d only visited the school about three times, first in 2006 when I accompanied the proprietor, on the verge of quitting his job at Wema Bank where he rose to be branch manager and Principal Manager, to the proposed site while the structures were under construction; and probably on two flying visits years back.
My awe at the sight of incredible clusters of magnificient building and architectural masterpieces that make up the premises, when I joined family, friends and well-wishers to celebrate Oyebamiji’s turning 60th, the launch of a book he wrote to commemorate the birthday and 14th anniversary of Landmark on Friday, October 22, was, therefore, better imagined. The old site which, according to the locals, used to be an isolated hill, has completely transformed into a mini educational resort, as Oyebamiji has expanded and upgraded the stock of infrastructure I met the last time I was there about 10 years ago. To the massive ‘U’ shape structure of the school building and existing male and female hostels which adjoined it have been added a 320-bed hostel block, new block of classrooms, a school hall with an expansive main bowl, plus gallery and sports court/field! Also laboratory facilities classrooms furniture and other learning aids are being replaced with specially fabricated version of better quality and durability.
I watched with fascination as the ambience of the school hall, venue of the celebration sparkled and resonated with a variety of sonorous and beautiful musical renditions by Landmark College Choir comprising promising young vocal talents and budding keyboard, drums, saxophone, violins and guitars virtuosos. The college’s teaching and non-teaching staff and other pupils added to the fun thrilling dignitaries with poetry, music and other acts.
Speakers after speakers among the hosts and guests at the event took to the floor to extol the virtues of the school’s builder and to thank him for touching lives both personally and through his school project – providing livelihood for scores of workers and grooming the young generation for future leadership roles. Oyebamiji was described as ‘Everybody’s friend’, ‘bridge builder’, ‘model’, ‘mentor’, ‘philanthropist’, etc.
Listening to the candid words of the well-wishers and the over joyous school children and their minders lustily cheering their boss, there was no doubt that the rapture underscores genuine expression of love and appreciation of a man seen to be touching lives indeed. It contrasted with the boring show of sycophancy staged to humour or massage the ego of Nigerian public officials and politicians for some barren or phantom achievements at public occasions!
A man’s works tell his value
As I surveyed the impressive environment, the milling crowd of guests, well-dressed and orderly students and efficient staff and contemplated that they were all on account of the sole vision and force of character of just one man, I was reminded of Aare Afe Babalola (SAN), an icon and trail-blazer in this sphere who leveled an entire virgin forest and grafted on it a world class university, the size of a whole town, complete with a huge workforce, independent but efficiently run municipal services, health and educational facilities, small and large-scale businesses and an industrial park in Ekiti State to serve the needs of the West African sub region!
The legal icon’s initiatives and massive contributions to the development of education, legal jurisprudence, agriculture and agri-business as well as the economy are so phenomenal and, (even though unintended), boldly highlight the failures and failings of government, such that some people describe Babalola, a man of tremendous and boundless energy even at over 90 years, as ‘One who equals all Nigerian governments’! Yet, the erudite and foremost lawyer had repeatedly rejected ministerial offers by past heads of states. Like Oyebamiji, Babalola had a humble beginning, but fought hard to carve an enviable destiny for himself and chose to impact lives silently by channelling his gifts, abilities, energies and private funds.
The contrast with some of Nigerian do-good, incompetent and bungling public officials and their pitiable ‘successes’ which they nevertheless yet like to hype for the next electoral advantage bears no emphasis!
So, were the Wike-Fani-Kayode squabble to turn into a triangular fray, Oyebamijis corner of the ring would most certainly teem with many people and organizations that he has replicated himself in who would proudly do his battle and cheer him to victory. The parade would include relations and associates and their children whom he benefits with both his means and nature sponsoring their education and supporting their careers, business among other forms of assistance; old students acting as Landmark College ambassadors all over the world, the staff as well as the current students’ population the college is raising to send into the world as new Oyebamiji clones!
But, perhaps, none other is in the best position to speak for the otherwise quiet and self-effacing gentleman and to answer for him the intriguing question: “Who are you, and Who is your father?” but his new book, Guide To Peaceful Living: A Regular Self- Appraisal Exercise in which he has documented the story of his life and shared insights on how he rose and has always managed to ride the crest of the storms! In the hybrid publication, a blend of autobiographical accounts and life coach tips and nuggets for attaining a stress-free and successful life, Oyebamiji furnishes further proof that he is indeed a liberal, unselfish giver as he shared secrets of how he made it to the point he is. Readers would definitely find the book invaluable in navigating life!
May we have more of Oyebamiji , so public discourse could be elevated above the present level of banality, pettiness, tomfoolery to the realm of serious exchange of noble and availing ideas on unleashing Nigeria’s potential to develop and be great.
ICorrection, please: In the last paragraph under sub title, ‘A person is in his works, is indeed his works’, beginning with – “Listening to the candid words…”, the words “the rapture under a genuine expression of…” should read- “the rapture underscores genuine expression of love and appreciation…”
particularly the ‘seventh one’ to ‘the eldest’