By Awakening Womanhood Group
A huge difference exists between childlikeness and childishness. Childlikeness is having and portraying a child’s attitude in the truest sense. What is meant by “a child’s attitude”? It means living everyday like children – expressing those qualities that are inherent only in children; qualities that if they exist in an adult, will only lead to development and maturity. These qualities include: trustfulness, obedience, confidence, trust, humility, happiness, persistence, impartiality, selflessness, gratefulness, forgiveness, and so on.
If children are left to be children, it comes naturally to them to cultivate trust in the guidance of adults around them, to be confident in the protection given by the adults, and to be humble and show appreciation towards anything received. Children are a good example of how to be happy; they are free at heart and unassuming.
Watch them as they play and observe how they easily forgive and forget the wrongs done them by others. Look at a child that is learning how to walk, he or she takes each step trustily and with confidence; with every fall the child smiles, gets up and tries again, until success is achieved. No wonder our Lord Jesus Christ admonished us to become like little children. This is because only a childlike human being can fulfill his purpose in Creation.
Childlikeness is a virtue; it is different from childishness. It expresses Purity; purity in thoughts, words and actions. With purity of heart, one can live life confidently, trusting in the inexhaustible Might of the Almighty, with an unassuming, impartial and non-judgmental attitude.
Childishness on the other hand, is the opposite. It expresses stubbornness, conceit, immaturity, arrogance, indolence, and malice. Mankind overtime have shown a stubborn volition towards Creation; often conceited and arrogant, assuming to be all knowing and unwilling to humbly accept or recognize help. We have become stagnated by refusing to rouse ourselves from the sleep of indolence. In all this we have been childish.
A childish individual is malicious, usually oppressive, rude, shameless, filthy, silly, unforgiving, revengeful, quarrelsome, and so much more. Childishness is not a quality. It hampers man’s further development and maturity because by being childish, he would
• continually disobey the Laws of Creation;
• refuse to learn from past experiences and mistakes;
• approach life with an attitude that he knows everything in Creation;
• quickly oppose anything that differs from what he already believes he knows or wants to believe he knows; and
• readily harm his fellow men to achieve his desires; and
• want to continue in indolence.
However, a childlike individual is usually peaceful, humble, happy, and appreciative. Such a man has confidence in himself and his Creator. Life is more like a school to him and because he trusts and obeys the all Holy Will of the Almighty in purity, he is always protected and progress for him is guaranteed.
Man is a child of Creation and can only mature in it by maintaining a childlike attitude.
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