As receptacles of pure thoughts


By Banji Ayoola

The power contained in thoughts, that is connected with thoughts. Thoughts which spring from a spiritual source. For where we think real thoughts, which are spiritual, we are using Divine power.

A most wonderful privilege to be permitted access to the pure power, which surges outwards endlessly continuously from Him. His pure power transmitted by loyal servants high above to the Creations below.

Which streams down through these, and are meant to be joyfully, knowingly collected, received by human receptacles that are also pure, who must dutifully, loyally, faithfully transmit these power streams, this loftiest radiance, streaming from the Holy Power, to fructify and transform the earth.

This most illustrious power ever granted man, with which man, as every other being, every other creature, everything else, that exists on earth, and in the entire Creation, is connected.

The power which permeates and streams over and through the earth and the whole Creation, the power which flows, streams through and over everything, be it man, animal, stone, plant, forest, water, air, fire, or soil of the earth, everything gross material, or which are of finer consistency.

Like the proboscis, the receiver, we must shoot out our thinking upwards to a fountain, to a source high above, to draw pearls, precious stones from the super rich abundance there. To fructify and enrich the earth.

Thus we constitute our thinking into a receptacle only of higher, pure, sacred values.

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