Another whiz kid dazzles the world

The Ram

By Abdu Rafiu

The emergence of whiz kids will always intrigue our world. During the week, I received a video from many people about the latest prodigy in town. He is a nine-year-old boy whom a university in South Africa has just given an award for what, in his citation, was described as his insight into complex systems. He was described as incredible. He is Soborno Isaac Bari, the world’s youngest Professor. He flew from the United States to South Africa accompanied by his parents for the award.

As I did state in 2018 when we experienced a phenomenon of this kind, the audience is transfixed. It is held spell-bound. We watch in disbelief, in utter amazement and exceeding admiration when a three-year-old child, for example, saunters, as it were, onto the stage as if he were in need of help, but only to dazzle us with his dexterity on the keyboard of a piano, or when a Chopin or Mozart at the age of 12 walks briskly onto the dais, mounting a concert and sweeping us off our feet with their exceptional abilities and gifts in music. What do we say about a barely three-year-old polyglot who speaks 12 languages? They all perform to a rousing applause. They are the talk of the town for months on end. Who are they, the audience would ask? From where are they? If it was a solo performance, who is he? We hazard a guess: He is the great grandson of Ludwig Van Beethoven more simply called Beethoven (1770-1827). Oh, beg your pardon, he is the grandson of Israel Oludotun Ransome-Kuti (Fela Anikulapo Kuti’s father) who composed the Egba National Anthem. He got it from his old man. And the conversation triggered by awe continues. Who is he? And we remain askance!

A great many are familiar with the case of Blind Tom, son of a Black woman sold at a slave auction. Blind Tom whose full name was Thomas Green Bethune—warded off his adversity and performed at a concert in Columbus, United States at the age of seven. By the time he was 15, he was playing Bach and Beethoven and took part in concerts in several places including outside the United States. Take the case of Rachel Carson, author of Silent Spring. She started her literary career at the age of 10. If we say that is an unusual, what do we say of a child, a polyglot barely three years who shocks the world with his ability to speak 12 languages—German, Russia, Welsh, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Tagalog, Visaya and English? And when he was to sign off, he spoke in Portuguese which brings the total to 13! Yes, scientists and linguists and those concerned with child development say every child is capable of mastering and speaking 16 languages. In normal development, yes. The difference here is the age—barely three years old.
It appears, as I did say in 2018, we are beginning to see the emergence of more of these prodigies now. Many who concern themselves with the development must be wondering why this is so and who prodigies are. They are being brought out by the social media. They manifest in the world of Arts, music and sciences. This should not surprise us; these are activities not tied to the intellect. Are we not told that there is music and there is dancing in Heaven? And in the higher knowledge spreading in these times, we learn that Artists have the most soil for promptings from higher planes. They are more open and receptive to vibrations from there. At the time I wrote, it was an 11-year-old boy who tore into our consciousness. In the story captioned “The wonder boy of Hyderabad”, I said as follows: “Mohammed Hassan Ali is his name. It is the story of an enigmatic 11-year-old boy in Hyderabad. The report appeared in the social media. He is self-taught and is teaching engineering—civil, mechanical, and electrical in designing and drafting—to Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students. His college students as of now number 30 whom he lectures free of charge. His phenomenal aim is to improve standards in India and he plans to teach no fewer than 100, 000 by the end of 2020.”

The story of Esther Okade is another wonder and it reads: “Esther Okade (13-year-old British Nigerian girl) is set to do the unimaginable. She will receive her PhD in financial mathematics this year 2018. She started university at 10 years old and always emerged at the top of her class. Esther is officially certified as a genius.”

And now this: nine-year-old Soborno Isaac Bari!

Soborno, according to his citation, received a letter of recognition from the then President of the United States, Barack Obama, in 2016 when he was barely four years old, also from the New York State Governor as well as from the President of Harvard University. He earned his first salary from the University of Mumbai when he was seven years old. Internet says of him that he is an eight-year-old brilliant boy. He started showing exceptional skills when he was just one and can now solve higher mathematics and physics problems easily. The child prodigy is known as ‘Einstein of our time’. It is even suggested that Isaac his middle name is taken from Isaac Newton, the renowned scientist. It is said that he also loves chemistry. He is planning to write a book to help students overcome their anxiety over mathematics. He won the Global Child Prodigy Award in January 2020. There is another genius by name Kautilya a Pandit, 13. It is said of him that he “knows about everything in the universe.”

Altogether, there are 100 child prodigies in the world. Whither our world and what lies behind the phenomenon of prodigies? First we have to understand what we human beings are and the nature of our journey through life, and indeed the purpose of life on earth. We are spirits. Together with our body the outer covering, we are men, generally speaking earthmen. There are inner coverings too which are finer than the outer coarse garment. The finer coverings together with the spirit make us to be souls. Thus the only living entity in all of us is the spirit. All the coverings have their organs of hearing, seeing and so on. It should from this occur to us that when we exit this earth, we leave the outer covering and are described as souls. As souls we have the human form, except in cases of deformity brought about by our sordid conduct while on earth. What constitute the finer coverings are the substances of different planes between this earth and Paradise. We drop each on the plane to which it belongs as we get higher towards Paradise and cloak ourselves in the finest spiritual garment in Spiritual realm called Paradise. The Realm which is the point of origin of John the Baptist is even higher, hence the statement by the Lord Christ that of all born of women there is none higher than John the Baptist. Of course that of Christ is inconceivably even beyond the Divine Realm as A Part of God the Father Who is separated from the Divine, a gulf indescribable in terms of vastness and by an ocean of flames which only Christ and the Holy Spirit, also having His Origin in God as His Justice, can traverse.

Because we are in the Age of the Holy Spirit and together with His own special Star, called the Great Comet, revealed in Higher Knowledge as the Return of the Star of Bethlehem, our world is under tremendous pressure, evidently referred to as Light Pressure. This pressure which are effects of the Radiation Power of the Holy Spirit is bringing about awakening in the world, such that in man, all that is slumbering or dead is activated. At the same time goodness is reinforced, and talents and abilities are animated to flourish to the zenith of blossoming. Awakened weaknesses, indeed evil, too, will rise to disgusting crescendo so it can be identified and crushed or shattered, sinking its bearers with unrelenting devastation.

It is a period long foretold by Prophet Isaiah as a time when there would be unprecedented horrors by way of drought, famine, plagues, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and pestilence and there would be multiplicity of conferences that will lead to nowhere. Here him: “Take counsel together and it shall come to nought: speak the word and it shall not stand; for God is with us.” (Isaiah 8, 10). God in reference here is God the Holy Spirit. The enlightenment mankind is given about the prophecy is: “It is the great time of perplexity in which one conference follows another, when distrust is everywhere, unrest and uneasiness, when hopeless confusion spreads ever more.”

It is the closing of the cycle brought about by the Light Pressure that we are seeing over population by a great many from the beyond who are conscious of the signs and wanting to return to this earth to make improvement in their lives. At the same time since the weaknesses are also awakened there is uncanny loose living, the bridge is let down for burdened and dark souls mushrooming and crossing over to fill the parts of the earth to pollute same. It is at the same that this period is witnessing the emergence of whiz kids in unprecedented numbers in music, the Arts, technology and scientific discoveries.

From the foregoing I am already dropping hints about reincarnation also known as re-embodiment by a soul who had lived on earth before and is now granted the opportunity to live on earth once more or several times already. There is now a rush because of the closing of the cycle of our universe, Ephesus, and the attendant state of our planet earth. It is a special grace borne out of the mercy, love and justice of the Creator that possibility of reincarnation is worked into His mechanisms. It is such that even in justice lies love. Reincarnation is to facilitate the furtherance of our development so we can drop all weaknesses, get our inner beings cleaned up and mature by mastering the Will of God and living in accordance with It. This leads to polish of the inner being and attainment of a high degree of perfection to be able to pass the final examination to graduate from the school of life that our world is, and as we strike the peak of perfection in the Beyond, head home in the Light Region more commonly referred to as Paradise.

As reincarnation proves that life is a continuum, it is, therefore, possible for a person to carry over certain abilities and skills from one earthlife or lives to another. Prodigies are such people who carry over exceptional abilities in certain areas from previous earthlives. These abilities break out early mostly when they are children and they are thus called prodigies. They are abilities impressed and carried in their spirits not in their brains which are perishable and which go back to dust. Upon reincarnation however, new brains are fashioned to be used as vehicles to ventilate what flows from within them. Reincarnation could be at any place and in any country. It is where the right soil to facilitate opportunities for attainment of life’s purposes ultimately at a particular time that a soul is attracted to in accordance with the Law, the Law of Homogeneity. A Nigerian of today may have been a German general in a previous earthlife.
Come to think of it: When Chike Obi comes back will it surprise anyone if at the age of three he solves a most complex mathematical problem and propounds a new theorem? Will it surprise anyone if Ayodele Awojobi returns in another bodily guise and begins to design unheard-of models of automobile from the age of six? Will Wole Soyinka (WS) when he goes and returns not begin to write and stage plays from the age of three? Or Achebe publishing his first and bestselling novel at the age of five? Or John Pepper Clark (JP) writing another poem on “Ibadan, a city set on seven hills from the age of seven? There are other literary giants—Cyprian Ekwensi, Vincent Ike, ,JF Odunjo, D.O Fagunwa, Femi Osofisan, Amos Tutuola to mention but a few. The abilities they have cultivated awakened from their spirit will not be lost. In the area of Arts and music, can anyone forget Hubert Ogunde, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, Ayo Bankole and Dan Maraya of Abraham and Ibrahim fame; or Rex Lawson of the Garden City of old? Will Ojetunji Aboyade not surprise us with a compelling book on economic development at the age of nine or Billy Dudley on political evolution at the age of eight?

I have said it before: Who taught Adeola Odutola business principles and corporate governance? The same can be asked of Michael Ibru, Jimoh Odutola, Odumegwu Ojukwu Snr. Nathaniel Idowu, Lawrence Omole and Dantata. Our young financial tigers of today may have gone to business schools; it was only to polish and further sharpen the acumen they already carry within them. I am referring to Aliko Dangote, Mike Adenuga, Oba Otudeko, Jim Ovia, Tony Elumelu, Atedo Peterside, Femi Otedola, Fola Adeola and Lady Alakija. They only built on their inherent abilities and skills through heeding unconditionally the Law of Balance between giving and receiving and the Law of Reciprocal action. Any deviation from the Laws will lead to the dimming of the abilities and talents. Indeed, they may well be smothered and disappear in the end. In the words of Dr. Stephen Lampe, in his monumental work, Building Future Societies: The future depends on the present. What we do now is the seed of a future harvest; and the future is the fruit of our present sowing… the future is in our hand; it is in what we think, say or do in the present, and in the values and motivations that determine our priorities and guide our lives.”

The Guardian

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