Another chance

The Poet's Corner

In the school of existence this earth is but a class

Which ere we go through successfully and earn a pass,

We must learn and understand the lessons taught therein

Otherwise our earthly sojourn would in vain have been.


In a class not just desirable lessons are taught,

But also are the bitter ones we would not have sought,

That jointly they give us the experiences we need

And ensure too we give not ignorance room to breed.


But sometimes we find it hard to learn and understand,

And cannot the examination as such withstand:

We therefore must for sure take the lessons once again

Since our failure will still in the same class us retain.


There are also times when we understand what we learn

And will therefore to the higher class a ticket earn,

But may nevertheless be made to remain behind

Where we did ill or behaved in a way not refined.


But we can’t indefinitely in a class remain,

Since if for too long we fail the next class to attain

We will be asked to withdraw since we are not of use –

For then we are like vine that refuses to produce.


Likewise is it when we depart this earth where we dwell,

That we come back if we did evil or passed not well

So we have another chance to weigh our lives and see

If we could improve ourselves and from the earth be free.


Not only failure or evil brings us back to earth,

But the will to help can bring another earthly birth

So that we show others how to win the race of life

Or help them o’ercome something that would have brought them strife.


But there is an end to how oft we return to earth,

For sure we must one day undergo the final death

Which comes when we must have matured or our time be spent,

For it was not to live fore’er on earth we were sent.


– Victor Emmanuel Uwah, Poems From Without, 1997

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