Akinmoye’s Leadership Gold At Ondo CIPAN

Celebrity Ondo State

By Sola Lebile

With his retirement from the Civil Service knocking at the door, it is expedient to x- ray the Chartered Institute of Public Administration of Nigeria ( CIPAN), Ondo State Chapter under Mr. Oladele Fredrick Akinmoye’ s watch, adumbrate his track record of performance.

The story is being paroted: Ondo CIPAN (and other Institutes) used to bubble in the past until 2016 or thereabouts when the nation’s economic nose-dived and subsequently sub nationals continued to grapple with lean purse to meet ever increasing demands for infrastructure and human capital development. For real, Institutes such as CIPAN, CIPM and NIM became affected adversely as enrollment dwindled and members detached themselves from groups’ activities. Even the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 that boxed every one into solitary confinement compounded the worse situation.

So, prior to his assumption of office in 2021, first as an interim form and later a full fledged Chairman (aftermath of the election that year), the chapter was in a comatose as activities such as meetings, courtesy visits, attendance at national conferences were more or less at zero level. The chapter’s bank account was not only in red but also dormant.

Incidentally, it is the same scenario that played out before his predecessor, Mr Adetiliye G.A (a.k.a Oloriebi). Adetiloye mounted the saddle realizing the headless position of chapter and then put in efforts to sustain the group for a couple of year before he retired from the service in 2020. Again, Adetiloye’ s predecessor, Mr Sunday Agbotogba years back picked the pieces of CIPAN (then IPAN) with his courageous mien and got it activated to an appreciable level. Great gbosas to these leaders and ogas.

Taking an association out of the wood is such a big task to perform. John Maxwell in his book: ” The 360° Leader ” remarks that when your leader entrusts you with tasks, you have a responsibility follow through and get them done. Interestingly, since his coming on board, Akinmoye, along with his executive team has been responsive and he has got the task of rejuvenating the chapter done. We have seen Akinmoye achieving this feat by establishing cordial relationship members and non-members alike as well as by developing trust through an extended demonstration of character and competence.

Little wonders therefore that general meetings have been held regularly plus hosting of lectures, àmong other activities. Recall that a seminar held in August with the topic “ADVANCED LEADERSHIP TRAINING”. In addition, sponsorship of numerous members by government for the annual national conference had been secured, thereby recording a high number of attendance from the chapter in recent years. Great!

Akinmoye is not a leader who will ‘keep a distance’ to those being led, but relating and moving them along . We know him for not imposing his will but accommodating divergent views on issues and allowing better (good) judgement to prevail. This is a man who makes teamwork, hardwork and integrity his watchwords. He is amiable, cool and calm but with an appetite for risk taking. His leadership at CIPAN is very infectious and benefitial to both the chapter and members. For instance, many members have become interestingly interested in the affairs of CIPAN and the chapter can now boast of having some savings in its account. Wha o!

Let’s pause to flash back to relate how Akinmoye mounted the saddle. As soon as Pastor John Adeyemo became the Head of Service in March 2021, the national body sent a congratulatory message through Akinmoye, being one of the known active leaders in the chapter. Akinmoye led the august delegation to the HoS and there when the message was delivered, the then HoS threw out the innocuous question: Who is the Chairman of CIPAN? “No Chairman, the position is still vacant”, was the response.

What a response? The HoS, embarrassed by the leadership vacuum ordered Akinmoye to take charge instantly, pointing out that nature abhors vacuum. Even, prior to the HoS directive, in my search for someone to take charge, yours truly seeing his executive style, had jocularly said that ifa had chosen him to lead but the man was rather hesitant. Eventually, Akinmoye headed the call and reshaped the Institute’ s chapter in the state.

To the delight of members, the numbness of the chapter has turned active. We cannot but remember some of his key leadership nuggets of gold, “I love challenges” we would hear him say whenever there is a hard task to perform; “What can we do differently to improve on the situation”; “I don’t want to fail; I don’t want to be seen as an underperformer”. Sometimes, he would also lament: “Many of these young ones are eyeing money instead of learning the skills on the job” while also helping younger members to improve where they fall short.

For Akinmoye, what presently ails Nigeria is simply bad leadership and he would not fail to echo it. For him also, CIPAN has a big role to play in building capacity of HR practitioners and leaders as well as weeding out unethical practices that are rearing their ugly heads. Just last month and in the heat of the CIPAN national conference, I expressed my reservation on the crop of individuals rushing to receive fellow of the Institute in the state without any record of value adding in any way and that sooner than later, such award might be placed on sale at Oja- oba market. Nonsensically nonsense! He got sad about my observation. Again, I pointed out two or three individuals behind the sharp-sharp-and-sit-at-home to collect your fellow award, Akinmoye responded with a tone of regret: “Do they have integrity?”

We all know we won’t stay on the job for ever. After all, what has a beginning must have an end. But for sure, Akinmoye’s tenure at Ondo CIPAN (do I hear you say he would continue?) has been a remarkable one. The question might be raised: When Akinmoye relinquishes his position as chairman, will the chapter experience a diminishing returns? Will it bounce backwards? Will it not? Will it move ahead and develop further and aim for the heights?

In any case, Oladele Fredrick Akinmoye would soon be discharged from the Ondo State Civil Service (please add CIPAN). It is worthy to note that he served so faithfully, honourably and meritoriously . He deserves to be garlanded with a gold medal. Looking back and forward, Akinmoye will be leaving with a profound impact trailing him behind….

  • Lebile, a member of CIPAN, writes from Akure.

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