A call to reconnect with Nature

Columnists Natural Health

By Kayode Oseni

The dreaded pandemic sometime ago, and its resultant loss in lives was said to be as a result of a mutated corona virus, tagged covid-19.

Conspiracy theories were circulating around about the possible implication of 5G network in that pandemic. Whether this is true or not is yet to be ascertained.

But one thing that any discerning person will not doubt is the fact that all over the world, our immune system is under great stress, and being overwhelmed.

Whether this is as a result of certain side effects of some technological gadgets (3G,4G,and 5G,or even the already immerging 6G), or due to our wrong lifestyles including our wrong diets, the basic fact remains that we all need to start paying more attention to ensuring a vibrantly healthy immune system.

For many years, I have been writing to sensitize us to mind what we eat.

I did write that the junks we are eating aren’t food, and the health of our immune system depends on real, wholesome foods.

I have also been emphasizing the need to make our food our medicine, and stop this wrong attitude of eating junks and only resorting to real food (fruits and vegetables) when afflicted with some ailments.

I insisted that taking lime or lemon only when one suffers a cold is not the way Nature intends it. You take paracetamol when you have pains, but this isn’t applicable to natural herbs and foods.

Nature’s way is that you make your food your medicine, such that you are already protected from any ailments.

What was the Covid 19 pandemic (whatever the cause) trying to tell us?

It is very simple: We have strayed far away from Nature, and it is high time to reconnect with Nature.

Even Medical Science is in agreement with Nature experts that persons with a robust immune system rarely comes down with illnessses.

Let us reconnect with Nature through a change in our lifestyles.
How exactly can we achieve this?

We should remove all junks from our diet, and make fresh fruits and vegetables our major foods.

Also, it is high time we cut down on the consumption of red meat. The way our cows are reared now is different from how they were reared a hundred years ago.

Now, our cows are loaded with antibiotics, growth hormones and other steroids. All these eventually get into our systems as we consume the meat, and the milk from such “medicated” cows.

Some may say that fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive. That may be true, but such expense is quite worth investing on for maintaining a vibrant immune system.

As a committed physcian of Natural Medicine, whose most important tool for healing is knowledge of herbs and good nutrition, I used the period of “lock down” to research and produce more Herbal Remedies that could be used as Food Supplements to augment our diet, to ensure a healthy immune system.

Such Herbal Remedies are now available in Teabag forms, Capsule forms, and Mixture forms.

The latest of them is my BODY GUARD Capsules and my Special Moringa/Graviola/Mint leaves Teabags, which I named MOGRAMINT Tea.

MOGRAMINT is especially spectacular in its ability to rapidly boost the immune system, when taken as normal tea, or used in the form of steam inhalation.

My experience with patients with a compromised immune system function, who used it with great results, gives me great confidence that indeed, it will go a long to boosting our immune system, when used regularly.

Another of Nature’s Ways of providing adequate protection for us, especially in these days of bombardment with harmful electromagnetic radiations is through the use of Crystals. Crystals are special rocks with unique vibrational energy compatibility with the electrical and magnetic components of the human body.

In addition to boosting our immune system, we need to also shield our bodies from those harmful radiations.

Here is a list of some of the Nature’s best anti-radiation crystals:

Black Tourmaline
Black Obsidian
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz.

The knowledge about the protective and healing properties of these crystals is now coming out from the archives of Ancient knowledge, and many thanks to both the Ayurvedic Medicine of India and the well documented Traditional Chinese Medicine, that served as faithful custodians of the knowledge for ages past.

Now, a new breed of Physicians are now working hard to unearth and spread the gospel about these gems/crystals for our present time.

Lastly, but not of least Importance is the need for all of us to learn and adopt to Nature’s ways:

✓Nature is ever consistent.
✓Nature is gentle.
✓Nature is never in a hurry.
✓Nature is dependable.
✓Nature achieves its goals using the easiest ways possible.

We need to stop all these rat races in pursuit of materialism, and remind ourselves that humans are spirits having a physical experience here on earth.

May our earth heal!

. Prof Kayode Oseni, a professor of Natural Medicine at the African American University, Porto Novo, Benin Republic, is the Chief Consultant of Alayo Health and Wellness Centre, Car Wash Area, Adatan, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.

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