Oh Woman, The Wonderful Pearl of this Creation

Streams Woman

By Banji Ayoola

Woman is purely a receptacle and channel through whom the streams of Light flow ceaselessly. She is an encasement, the intuitive ramparts enclosing and dispensing these streams from above downwards. Anywhere in Creation.

She is special and bearer of the name of honor.

She is a sanctuary that compels everyone who looks upwards towards her or casts his gaze at her to do so reverentially of that which she is, and which she carries deep within, which radiates brilliantly powerfully out of her constantly… the deep recognition of the Holy Will of God, Which is expressed in the Natural Laws, in His Laws.

As such, on earth, she is the human spiritual feminine embodiment, who in all her intuiting, thoughts, words and actions, faithfully expresses and swings purely in the Natural Laws governing the whole of Creation.

She is indeed a living expression on earth of these Natural or Divine Laws. At all times.

And with the special charms and powers exclusively bestowed on her by the Creator, luster which the man lacks, she thus stands at the most exalted height on earth as the bridge, the link and guide of the earthly man and children to the Luminous Heights.

On earth, she is the strongest, most delicate human being, and she leads the man upwards. Silently and in a most refined, intuitive way.

Equally, she leads the children and the entire household of this earth, of the entire Subsequent Creation. In the same fashion, weaving silently lovingly out of the streams of Light flowing constantly into her. In the most beautiful manner.

By virtue of her delicate nature, of her being and activity, she exists and descends into Subsequent Creation, unto the earth just to absorb and dispense the streaming radiations of the Light, to whoever and whatever lie beside or below her, and these include the man.

By virtue of her delicate nature, and being closest to the Light, she is the natural leader of the entire household of this Creation, the man inclusive.

She is thus the pearl and priestess of the Light on earth, whose main occupation is faithful swinging in the Holy Will and dispensing help, radiant strength out of this Holy Will of the Almighty Father through her silent, passive activity to the coarser man, who needs her mediation for his own vigorous, masculine or executive activity on earth.

Thus she is the crown of the earth, and naturally the leader of the entire household, who by virtue of her special endowment and equipment, makes the earth accessible to the Divine Will, leads the household upwards towards swinging purely in the Holy Will, towards the Light, towards God.

Oh… Bless the woman, the wonderful pearl of this Creation.


International Women’s Day Commemoration …in Retrospect!

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