Banji Ayoola
Mercifully, He allows them, the good, and the bad, to be princes; for a purpose. At various levels on earth, the Almighty Father, in His Wisdom permits both the good and the bad to rule over millions of their fellow human beings.
To use the earthly power at their disposal to improve the living conditions of millions of their fellow human beings inhabiting a defined territory.
To protect all their collective and personal possessions, and provide an environment where everyone under their leadership will be free to unfold his wings and express his innate abilities to the full.
They are allowed to sit over the material wealth belonging to millions of their fellow human beings and manage these on their behalf.
To call shots and be the faces of nations or whatever other divisions.
To each nation or smaller territory, He gives the earthly leader that the people in each deserve based on the level of their inner maturity or development.
Tyrants, despots, dictators, the selfish, wicked, narrow-minded and uncultured He has allowed as princes over millions of human beings. The good, more inwardly refined and developed He has equally permitted as princes.
But human beings from the first group have been dominating on earth as princes due to the level of inner maturity or development of the generality of human beings on earth at every epoch. So it is today by virtue of the level of inner development of the generality of human beings now on earth.
In every nation on earth today are human beings, who carry baggage of guilt from their past, to redeem under the leaders they deserve. And princes given opportunities to atone for some former errors, become better human beings and be free.
Thus the good and the evil, the beautiful and the ugly, the wicked and kind He the Almighty Father has permitted as princes over men and their collective material wealth.
He has permitted human beings of these various inner qualities existence in nations and smaller divisions of human beings.
Remarkably, wherever a tyrant, wicked or evil-minded prince is in power, He allows to exist also human beings who are more refined and cultured, who carry deep within them good qualities, and are materially endowed.
These blessed ones in their activities counter and mitigate the effects of the brutishness, high-handedness and misrule of the misguided ones temporarily entrusted with earthly power.