By Banji Ayoola
There is no arbitrariness in the Work of the Almighty Father. No suddenness, shockwaves, or imposition. He does not impose His gift on a structure that is not mature for it. Neither does He plant on a bush, forest, or weeds.
Imagine a farmer wanting to sow seeds. Where does he sow them to enable them germinate and blossom into delicious fruits? On a wild forest, bush, or weeds? No.
For if he sows his precious seeds on a soil overgrown with wild bush, forest, or weeds, these would divert the food and sunlight meant to nourish the seeds, to themselves. They would thereby deprive and starve the seeds of the nutrients and sunlight to germinate or thrive. Thus the wild bush, forest, or weeds would choke, and kill the seeds.
To avoid this, the farmer does everything possible to help his seeds germinate, blossom, and ripen into delicious fruits to his Joy, to his satisfaction. He takes certain preliminary steps to ensure the healthy germination, blossoming, and ripening of the seeds he plans to sow.
He prepares the soil to sow into. This soil must be rich enough to sustain the seeds he wishes to sow. He chooses from either the loamy, humus, clay, or sandy soils, and preferably from the first two types, which are the best choices.
Not only does he clear off the bush, forest, or weeds, he clears off anything likely to hinder the proper development of his seeds to delicious fruits, such as obstructing trees, roots, and stones; and he evades rocky, swampy or waterlogged area. In some cases, he burns off obstacles.
He softens and prepares the soil. He makes heaps and ridges; tries all he can to scare destructive pests and animals off his seeds when sown; and regularly, weeds the farm to nurture the seeds after sowing.
If we take the seeds to symbololise Paradise, the New which the Father in His Almighty Wisdom, is planting on the soil of this earth, we should fall down on our knees in awe of His unimaginable Patience and Love, All-knowing Wisdom. Which, for many millions of years, starting with the first appearance of human beings on earth, have been preparing the soil of this earth, and especially the spirit of the earthly human beings, for this great epoch.
To continue…