By Banji Ayoola
The neutral, principal power of the Almighty Father streams through Creation.
This power can be used to accomplish the good or the evil.
Notably, only the human being, through his unique ability of intuitive volition, with which he is exclusively endowed among all earthly creatures, can access this neutral, principal power.
Thus, only the human being possesses the key to this neutral principal power.
The end to which he uses this depends on him. This is his responsibility alone to which he is bound.
This neutral principal power is a treasure chamber to which, among all the earthly creatures, only the human being in his intuitive volition, has the key.
Thus, only the human being can draw from this neutral principal power.
It is like the human being the only plug that can connect with electricity and draw electrical power, to accomplish either the good or the evil.
Again, it is like the human being alone by virtue of his unique ability, being the bank account or ATM card, that can draw money from the bank.