Back to the question…


By Abdu Rafiu

As I was saying…Among the mails this column regularly receives was one from Ghana in which the sender raised a thought-provoking and interesting question. Why does a Ms Blessing live in misery, begging for data, Favour is struggling to feed; Wisdom does not get sense; Victory failed exams and Courage even fears dogs whereas “in the United States, you see names like Bush, Stone yet they make progress. Why is it so?” Confirming the enquirer’s observation, I did state that in Europe, in the United States and Canada, people bear Mr. Brown, Dr. (Mrs.) Green and as rightly noted, Mr. Bush and Mr. Stone. There is Mr. Gladstone. If we go by the dictionary definition we can claim to know the meaning of Bush and Stone. Brown and Green denote colours. We then ask, how come a man bears Mr. Green and another Mr. Brown or Miss White and they are the ones who make self-evident progress? They are developed, they are endowed materially, and once people are developed, their nation must be developed, reflecting the state of being of the people. The radiant state of the inner being already gives a hint of why the United States is developed. Again, why is it so?

As I did state last week, each person comes with his or her name. He is the name he or she bears. The name each person will bear in future in the event of another opportunity of a reincarnation is partly being put together in the present earth life while he still carries the previous one that he has not discharged. Plants and trees have names for identification. There is a picture that flashes before our gaze when we hear lilies mentioned. And there are different kinds of lilies. We have Touch Lily, Peace Lily, Canna Lily, and St. Joseph’s Lily, each presenting its own unique picture before our eyes. It is a different picture that forms before our gaze when Sunflower is mentioned. Sunflower is different from Yellow Trumpet florists call Costus Spectabilis. Look at Bougainvillea with its compelling rays and enthralling colours. Trees have their names, so do rocks and soils. All names come about from the pressure of the Law. Colour, content, and form all vibrate and emit rays that enable us distinguish one plant from the other, and one flower from the other. In the rays precipitates fragrance. The wonders of Nature, the work of the house builders, the loyal servants of the Most High—the Nature Beings, weaving and tending. What does man, the arrogant modern man, know!

In Africa, a great many names are supplicatory and hope-filled. A Blessing could mean gratitude for an opportunity of another earth life and the experiences, one of which is a lack of purchasing power to the extent that she is begging for data. The experiences are only to polish her and get her to focus more on the higher goal. If blessed too soon, she may lose focus. For a Victor, it is a pledge that he would apply himself unremittingly to the demands of the higher goal in which alone lies victory, a manifestation of the victory of the Light that blesses his exertions.

The Jews went through excruciating experiences, and hard blows from the Romans, including being subjected to slavery when they began to deviate from the cause for which they were prepared as the first race on the surface of the earth to come to the recognition that there is only one God, the Creator of all the worlds. In 586 B.C. Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. Being the closest to the Truth, however, it was only natural that they would be and they were the Chosen People, blessed with Grace and privilege to receive the Lord Jesus Christ in their midst. The harrowing experiences served to keep them on course for the fulfillment of the sacred promises. The prophets did not give up on them. In the account by Dr. E. Walkhoff titled From World History During the Past 3,000 Years, “After the death of Solomon (Ca. 925 B.C.) the Jewish tribes separated into the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Feuding among themselves and becoming at last mere puppets in the hands of their enemies. The prophets Elijah (Ca. 830 B. C.), Isaiah (720 B. C.), and Jeremiah (Ca.630 B. C.) waged a desperate battle against the growing superstitions. In the year 621 B.C., however, the Ark of the Covenant, with the Ten Commandments –assumed to be lost—was found again in the Temple of Jerusalem. Once more the ancient faith was restored to its rightful place.” Ezra waged his own battle, after they returned from Babylonian captivity by enforcing the Ten Commandments.”

The same point as in the case of Blessing can be made for “Favour” who cannot feed. What is being pointed out to us is that in accordance with the Law of Sowing and Reaping and Law of Movement, a person who bears Favour is expected to do good to harvest goodness and change of her condition. She is also to work hard to unfold the talents and abilities contained in her name. The name is not a licence for her to go to sleep. The Law of Movement does not permit a standstill in any part of Creation. The name is thus a reminder that it is in the heeding of the Law through the unfolding of talents and abilities that lies the promise of a Favour. The experiences keep us awake, on the alert, and polished and if the right lessons are learned, there will be a turning around of fortunes. In his great work, Christian and Reincarnation, Dr. Stephen Lampe states: “The bitter fruits of the bad seeds we sowed are spiritual helpful reminders that we strayed from the way ordained by the Creator. Any adversity, pain or suffering should be seen as cues, hints of the need to re-examine our understanding of the Laws of the Creator and how we stand in relation to them…As we learn the right lessons and make necessary adjustments so that we sow only sweet seeds, the Law of Sowing and Reaping assures us bountiful harvest of sweet fruits, at the appropriate time. And this, surely, is Love.”

There has been a variant of the question as to why the United States is the most prosperous with the largest economy in the world, a country inhabited by Messrs Stone, Bush, and Brown. How come it is a land of opportunities, the dreamland of most young men and women? It is the most technologically powerful nation, indeed, a nation that went to the moon as far back as 1969 while African countries with all the prayers are backward, riddled with diseases. There is depravity; a great many of the leaders are lawless, so the argument goes.

However, it is little remembered that the United States was established between 1096 and 1300 by immigrants from Europe. Several parts were ravaged by wars and intractable social unrest brought about at the time of the Crusades. The experiences shook them, got them polished and matured. Following the experiences they recognised the essence of nobility as a virtue, and sought after it. The mature state of their inner being, of the penitent souls, came to recognize the Laws bearing the Will of the Most High. They put themselves, in consequence, in a different class of human beings who turned their gaze upwards in collective thanksgiving and the United States became what is generally, up till today, referred to as “God’s Own Country,” a land of hope founded on high principles derived from the uniqueness of refinement of the founders’ inner being. Any polished inner being is bound to attract the help of the Light. It is even more so when the majority of a people are refined inwardly. The blessing of such a land is a certainty. Are we not told that righteousness exalts a nation? Never mind that decline is overtaking everywhere on planet earth today, including the United States.

As for the Jews who are recorded as first in several economic and technological indices, their ascendancy follows the anchorage of the Light power in their land, Israel. The Lord Jesus Christ walked through the land as a result of which His Light Power was anchored therein. Even though the Jews, with their priestly and political establishments in the lead, out of envy and fear of loss of power and public acknowledgment, rejected Him as the expected Messiah and got Him murdered, their depravity and treachery could not dampen the Rays of the anchorage of the Light attendant to the Lord’s mere presence there. He traversed the length and breadth of the land. As they tap from the Rays even if unconsciously, the land will continue to manifest wonders in a variety of human endeavours. However, it should be stated that the present communities of Jews living in Israel have not necessarily always been Jews nor have all Americans always been Americans. We are distributed at reincarnation to different parts of the world in accordance with the degree of the development of our inner being. The Laws, including the Osmotic Law, perfectionists and incorruptible that they are, will always place everyone where he belongs and deserves, parents and communities.

While on reincarnation, I may as well share with us a YouTube post to which my attention has been lovingly drawn. In it as if to confirm the revelation In the Light of Truth, The Grail Message, the incomparable gift to all mankind, that states that each child is unswervingly led to its parents, the post contains what it captions Kids Reveal Memories of picking Their Parents. One said to its mother after a parable about blue birds: “You are my mother; I saw you from above the clouds. I had to slide down, came through the crown of your head. I saw you. I could see you and I chose you.” Another by name Jane said to her parents that she was glad to choose them as her mother and father– according to her mother: “People that would serve her needs.” Yet another child, Ryan, is filled with compassion for people with disabilities. And he said to his mother that he would like to go into the military and also be a policeman. He said to her: “I picked you as my mummy; I followed you in the snow.” Here is a child of two who has never seen snow and has never been exposed to violence. He shocked his mother one day saying he had a “different mom and daddy. They were shot and killed in their bed.” Confidently, according to his mother this time, he said that his name was Eric Johnson.

There is also on YouTube, the story of the reincarnation of a victim of year 2001 attack on the Twin Trade Centre in New York. The elaborate and moving account reads: ”There was always something extra-ordinary about Cade from the moment he was born. His parents, Molly and Rick had been told they could never have children and felt blessed to have a miracle son. But by two-and-a-half months old, he was trying to walk and reached all of his infant milestones extremely early. Even his own grandmother admitted he was different. ‘He was like an old man. He wasn’t like a bouncy baby. He just looked at you like: ‘Who are you?’ she said. By the time he was two, he was using ‘very intricate, intelligent words’ and could ‘hold conversation with adults,’ according to his mother.

“It was around the age of three when the youngster started saying he remembers dying. Speaking to LMN for a programme called The Ghost Inside My Child in 2011, Molly recalled: ‘I would be in bed and Cade would just start crying in the middle of the night and he would wake up screaming about working in a tall building and he could see the Statue of Liberty from his office. He told me that he was falling with the building like the way he died. It’s surreal to have a three-year-old talking about New York and talking about death. Honestly, I started to think…could he have been in the World Trade Centre? But there was a huge part of me that said, wait a minute, that can’t be.”
Cade’s dad, Rick added: ‘We didn’t show him anything, there was no way he could’ve known about it. It was before pre-school.’ The family didn’t know anyone involved in the terror attacks at the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, and Cade, who was born in 2004, had never been to New York. I noted it as oddism but I never thought anything of it. I just thought he had a vivid imagination’, Molly told the programme. But as Cade got older, he became ‘obsessed with planes’ and was ‘frantic’ around tall buildings. His gran, Fae, said: ‘Cade was totally petrified by the airplanes, like they were monsters. He wasn’t scared of them being in the air. It’s more like he was scared of where they were going.’

Video footage shows a seven-year-old Cade in the car while driving around a busy city with tall buildings. He states: ‘That feels creepy. I just don’t like to look up. I would not like to go in that tall building…that big shiny one looked just like the Twin Tower. It brings back a lot of memories but I’m not going in it, ok?’ Molly admitted that she would make excuses for her son’s behaviour for a while but it got to a point where she ‘couldn’t deny it anymore.’ She said: ‘he just flat out, said that he was in a building that was hit by something, that it exploded and that he had fallen.‘The pieces suddenly came together like a puzzle, the planes, the tall buildings. This person was at the World Trade Centre.’ Cade tells programme-makers: ‘The plane hit the World Trade centre then it got stuck in the building.

‘When I was falling, I was still alive and then all the rubble hit me. I didn’t feel anything because I died.’ Molly was left feeling helpless, unable to know what to do to help her son get past the memories admitting she feels ‘very sad for him.’ He even started asking her to change his name insisting that he wasn’t called Cade. He told her what his name was and she set to work, investigating. She shared her son’s story on a web board hoping to find answers and discovered there had been a man who worked and died at the Twin Towers whose ‘life mimics what Cade describes his life and death was.’ I was absolutely shocked. I pulled up the obituary, the pictures, but I’d never thought about contacting the victim’s family,’ she said.

‘Continuing to follow through with anything to do with 9/11 may interrupt their mourning process. But also, what would you say? Your son didn’t die, he is just someone different now. I would imagine if someone called me with that, I would hang up the phone.’ Molly said she now knows the truth about who the man was but added: ‘as a mother, I am feeling very helpless. I can’t make this memory go away. I don’t know what to do; I don’t know how to fix this.’ She described her and her husband’s heartbreak at being ‘lost for years’ over their situation and said Cade struggled to make friends because other children would call him a liar and laugh at him. Teachers also took a dislike to him.

Molly and Rick said their priority was to help their son to ‘be comfortable in his Cade body’ admitting they ‘wouldn’t trade him in for anything in the world. I need him learn to be Cade, to learn to be a kid again, learn to laugh and I think we’re going to get there, I do, Molly added.

The programme ended with news that Cade had started playing in a football league and was improving in school but was still having nightmares. No further information about Cade has been published since. He would now be aged 20.

After the interview recently surfaced on YouTube, many wondered how Cade was getting on as some recalled similar situations.

The foregoing is yet another account of, indeed, proof of reincarnation. I have treated this subject directly and indirectly in this column about four times. Since our world is a school, in the wisdom of the Creator, like in the earthly school patterned after the cosmic school, allowance is made for a repeat class so that areas of deficiencies can be corrected. It is a phenomenon in which the inflexible justice of the Most High can be read. There is no human being on earth today who has not lived here before, some about 50 times. It takes some 200, others 500 years to come back. Many as short as within four years of their death as is shown in the account of Cade who came back barely four years after he died in the disaster of the World Trade Centre. The knowledge of reincarnation is practically in all cultures. Try as the modern man may have tried, he has not succeeded in getting his fellow men to deny the phenomenon. How do you explain Babatunde, Nnena, or Yetunde if these do not touch on the African concept of reincarnation? The denial by a number of priests is based on the misinterpretation of the scriptures that “It is given unto man to die but once, after which is judgment.” The passage refers to spiritual death, not the earthly exit during which the earthly cloak is discarded and the man enters the beyond in an ethereal garment which serves, together with the animistic, as the wrappings for the spirit. The spirit encased in the wrappings is recognized as soul. Didn’t even the Lord say: “But I tell you that Elijah has come, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased”? (Matthew 17:12). The Lord’s response was in answer to the question: “Why do the scribes say that first Elijah must come?” We are in the time of enlightenment and judgment. The intensification and acceleration of events in the world today are features of the judgment. It is the time everyone here on earth and on the material planes in the beyond is faced with the choice: Salvation or damnation! When the ongoing purification reaches the crescendo, all men, all nations will fall on their knees and confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Love, and Imanuel as Justice, Both Arms of God, and with God in Holy Trinity!

The Guardian

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