How should I love my neighbour

Experiences Features

By Banji Ayoola

I love my neighbour through the consideration and respect that I voluntarily offer him; through giving of myself completely and joyfully to him in my being, in my nature.

For this encourages him to change himself, become a better human being, and move forward.

Consideration: By being considerate in my thoughts, words and deeds about and towards him, which must be those of true love, of how truly I am to help him, but not how to harm, dupe or cheat him.

By lavishing him with good thoughts – how to make living on earth comfortable and joyful for him, how to help him truly advance in every endeavour, enterprise or industry of his, whether I know about it or I do not. And not how to frustrate him.

Thoughts of how to enhance him in all his strivings; how to send him only warm, good thoughts of love, and ensure that only these flow to him constantly from me as to ease his immediate surroundings.

As to facilitate his accomplishment of his task here on earth.

As to ring him around with only healthy, good thoughts as ramparts around him, his true self, as he steps out for his pursuits, spiritual and material. Ramparts of love.

And physically visibly, too, I show him consideration in the words that I speak to him, in ensuring that whatever comes out of me and flows towards him as words, spring only from, and are only of genuine love.

Without of course tolerating or indulging evil.

I give myself, my being to him in the words that I speak to him. Words which soothe, balm, calm, encourage and truly help him; even if I see or recognise his faults, weaknesses and guilt.

And when occasion demands, I must be firm, strict and severe.

In the words that I speak to him, I do not condemn him, but speak lovingly as to help him see his shortcomings and voluntarily decide to change, improve and be better.

For we all carry certain weaknesses, faults, shortcomings, which truly we may not recognise or be conscious of, which indeed may be carry – overs from our past, for us to redeem in this present earth life, which indeed may be the reason we are here now to atone for and redeem in this new earth life.

I do not injure or wound my neighbour with harsh and unkind words as if we are at war. I should let gentle, kind, considerate words of love flow from me to him.

Without of course tolerating or indulging evil. As I must be firm, strict and severe even in my giving.

And when I speak about him to others in his absence, I should be loving, and show him deep consideration too in my words. Which must be those of true love, which must bathe and envelope him in love.

Same in my deeds, actions. Give myself, my being, my nature, truly to him in my physical, visible deeds.

With these helps that I voluntarily lovingly offer him, I encourage him, imbue him with hope and courage to go through whatever he experiences on his earthly path, confident that he is surrounded by true love, as he struggles through his entanglements.

Reciprocally, I too gain from this good volition immensely. For by voluntarily and joyfully giving myself, my being, my nature in love genuinely and completely to my neighbour, I automatically serve as a pure channel conveying, transmitting, and spreading like honey, the love radiating outwards and flowing down from the heights.

By this, I am standing on earth as a true helper of mankind and helper.

. By this, I redeem and liberate myself from whatever might have hindered me, and might have stood on my path as karmic burden, and clear my path for ascent.

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