Home Reconnection The Second Commandment: Thou shalt not take the Name of the Lord thy God in vain!

Features Reconnection

By Dorcas Krubu

GOD is HOLY, HE is SUBLIME, HE WAS, HE IS and HE WILL ALWAYS BE. HE is the Creator of ALL and the SOURCE of ALL LIFE. Therefore, we HIS creatures should accord HIM the utmost reverence that HIS ALL HOLINESS demands.

The Second Commandment is to guide man as to the Sublimity of HIS HOLINESS; ‘Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy GOD in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain’.

Jesus Christ also re-echoed the same by way of admonishing us: ‘\’Love the Lord your GOD with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’.

To Love GOD means to obey His Will; to obey His Commandments. The Hebrew Name YHWH (יהוה) meaning I AM , is ineffable, unspeakable, and unreadable; the Name is not supposed to be pronounced aloud because of how Sacred It Is. Centuries ago, each time the people heard the Name spoken by the high priest, they lay prostrate (with their face touching the ground) in deep reverence. But today, it is a different story!

Ideally, calling His Name should only arise when man, the creature, wants to gain connection with His Creator in supplication.

Unfortunately, we have dragged the Name into common and general phraseology. Today, the majority of mankind now call His Name in futility, for no reason. Even amongst ourselves, we don’t just say/call out, ‘Oh Dorcas’ when we have nothing to say to Dorcas.

Some of us even try to get around His Name by saying ‘OMG’, ‘Gosh’ and all the likes. We call Him when we are not saying anything or when we are even committing a sin. It is so ridiculous that when we yawn, belch, lie, argue, fight, curse, and abuse our neighbours, we call His Name. We should not forget the second part of the Commandment, ‘for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain’.

The question is how will the same Name we dishonour bring help in moments of dear need?

Man must beware! To dishonour a Name is to dishonour the Concept. For the Name ‘GOD’ is Sacred and Sublime; and should be treated as such!

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