Giving love to the beloved


By Banji Ayoola

Expressing love for the other person, for the beloved.

The one who truly loves thinks good always of the beloved. He thinks and acts always to give to the beloved. But not to harass him or weigh him down with any demand.

He generates and sends to the other good thoughts and wishes always to brighten and illuminate the other’s path. He devotes himself to doing everything to make the other, his beloved happy.

He envelopes, wraps and surrounds the other with joy and everything good, ensuring, as if standing in duty, to see that it is always bright and light around the beloved.

Seeing to it that only the good comes to the other, that the other is enveloped, surrounded by and embedded in everything bright, beautiful, luminous and good. Clearing his path of all obstacles and hindrances and freeing him of all problems that may come his way, that he may encounter.

His spirit erupts in a rapture of joy towards the beloved. This rapture streams through and over every cell, over every nerve, such that all the cells and nerves in the bodies of the two lovers are submerged in the flaming rapture streaming deep from within the spirit.

They are overwhelmed in this rapture that takes its source from, that originates from the spirit. This rapturous joy streams from the spirit through the soul and through and over all the cells and nerves of the body, streams out of the body and envelopes, wraps up, embraces and forms a strong rampart around the beloved, around his immediate earthly surroundings in this warm flow, in this special flaming rapture of joy, of good.

Such that the path of the beloved is strewn and hedged around always with the good. Such that the lover watches over his beloved that the other comes to no harm.

And in situations where obstacles or problems come the beloved’s way, the experiencing will be easy for him and he will be lubricated by, and overwhelmed by the constant streaming from the lover, and he will be freed in time from the undesirable experiences to move on and continue his journey.

The one who loves deep from within him wants the best for the beloved. He makes no demand whatever on the beloved. He only gives in his pure volition, thoughts, words and deeds to serve the beloved, to hew a brilliantly radiant and luminous path for him from out of the intricate spider web of earth-life.

He always works to ensure that radiant joy courses around the beloved always. He avoids any thought, word or deed that may hurt the beloved. He entertains no such thoughts, words and deeds, either by look, speech or gesture.
He clears the beloved’s path of danger. He places cushions, and lays enchanting beautiful carpets on the other’s path, and hedges his beloved’s path with Roses.

To the beloved, he who loves truly gives and gives of himself. He gives his pure heart which opens like Lilies and surrounds the other in the Crystal Purity of the Lilies and in the radiant, endless and boundless Love of the Roses.
In return, all these giving of genuine love without demand, which he freely gives from out of his pure heart, deep from within his soul, within his spirit, will in reciprocity, automatically flow back to him times over from this wonderful Universe of a rainbow of numberless radiant colours and from the appreciative Beloved, who, supported by the selfless love streaming endlessly from the lover, is always ready to storm the heavens as he wanders through this beautiful Creation.

And the lover will be richly lavished with rewards for giving true love to the other, his beloved, such that no amount of money can buy or anything earthly can equal. Naturally.

This is the true love which wants to manifest physically on earth. And which may, in some cases, but not necessarily in all cases, lead to physical intimacy between the two mature beloveds, who are of the opposite sex and neither blood relations nor from the group of untouchables. Whereby there may be exchanges of radiations between the beloved mature female and male.

Untouchables being human beings who are already engaged to others, wives or husbands of blood relatives or friends, or of neighbours or minors.

In such case where love simultaneously streaming deep from within the two mature human beings, male and female, comes to the earthly manifestation of being expressed in physical intimacy, there is a special exchange of radiations between the two opposite beloved male and female.

Such that the radiant joy streaming deep from within each of the two beloved, simultaneously streams out of each of the two beloveds, to overwhelm, wrap up, envelope and embrace each other and both of them in a union.
This flaming confluence of joy produced by this special union in turn produces a special magnetic radiation which enriches and strengthens the two beloveds, and streams out to bless their surroundings, the earth and the entire Creation.

This is the spiritualised love which contains the power that spreads blessings, and that can remodel and rebuild the earth into a new realm flourishing in the unending pure Love of the Almighty Father, Which is gratefully alternated and shared round the clock by the human beings on earth among ourselves.
But not the calculating, commercialised, demanding and selfish caricature and aberration which we call love generally virtually everywhere on earth today.

Not the monster which terrorises humanity on earth today, but which, gratefully will soon be crushed and swept off the earth, as being done already in the ongoing compulsory cleansing of the earth of all that is wrong and hostile to the Light.

Eventually, this cleansing will yield the earth to a new beginning that will blissfully swing in the Laws expressing the Holy Will of the Almighty Father.

In a higher sense, the human spirit should likewise express his love to his Creator. He should give himself; give himself without reserve absolutely unto the Lord in service. In the greatest purity and love streaming deep from within him.

With all the power the individual earthly human being can muster from the depth of his being, deepest from within him, he should express himself, give of himself wholly unto the Lord.

Man should seek His Kingdom foremost and above everything else, by striving to adhere to His Laws expressing His Holy Will in all matters concerning him on his path. And reciprocally all the good things will flow back to him.

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