By Banji Ayoola
Constantly looking upwards to draw and receive fresh luminous radiations of the Light, which she passes on to the male and the entire earth; thereby keeping the earth bathed with streams of the Light round the clock daily all the year round.
This is the sacred duty assigned to the the woman by the Creator when He lavished her with exclusive gifts that connect her more strongly with the streams of Light.
She, as the crown of the earth, the pure receptacle of higher radiations from Above, is to faithfully pass these on to everything beside and below her, including the man, to illumine the entire earth.
This is her primary vocation, her main profession as originally designed by the Creator.
Streams of Light were meant to constantly flow through her to fructify, ennoble, purify, renew and help develop the earth. Thus, she was to ensure that the man and the entire earth, with all its inhabitants, constantly have fresh supply of radiations from the Light.
This supply the man needs to enable him perform his own sacred duty also. A duty which, though complimentary to, is different from, that of the woman.
By virtue of her stronger connection with the luminous streams, and thus with the Light, the woman, naturally, is more beautiful; her body is more delicate, succulent, supple and permeable.
She has a sharper intuition that enables her to perceive the impressions assailing her both from the ethereal world and her earthly surroundings more easily, at a higher scale than her coarser counterpart, the man.
By virtue of her stronger connection with the Light and what flows through her, her influence over everything beside or below her on earth is more pervasive and powerful.
On the other hand, the man, by virtue of the activity that he voluntarily chose at the beginning of his journey to the earth, the direction towards which he wished to channel his innate energies and gifts, was assigned the task of working on the physical gross matter of the earth.
He was meant to transform the earth and make it more habitable for all inhabitants, more receptive to higher radiations of the Light.
Just as the woman, also at the beginning of hr journey to the earth, had also voluntarily chosen the direction she wished to channel her own innate energies and gifts.
By virtue of his peculiar gifts of a sturdy, muscular, tougher, and stronger body that can withstand intensive and extensive physical exertions on a larger scale than his more delicate counterpart, the woman, he is more strongly connected with the gross material earth and all earthly or intellectual activities.
Thus, he is at home and in his natural element, virtually in all intellectual or earthly affairs, matters or activities. He is thus more oriented and focused towards the earthly in his activity.
Unlike the woman who is more oriented towards the intuition linking her more strongly with the heavenly, with the luminous Heights, and as such with the Light.
Unfortunately, contrary to her natural activity or task, the woman, tempted by Lucifer, turned back to cast her gaze downwards towards the earth.
From this point in the history of mankind’s existence on earth, men and women started giving preference to matters, which chained them to the earth, at the neglect of those that link them with the ennobling and elevating streams of Light.
That was the fall of man allegorically described in the Bible.
Overtime, mankind withdrew from the Light.
The distance widened further in the course of thousands of years years into an unbridgeable gulf; while the resulting chaos and confusion get more aggravated, complicated and unmanageable.
As she increasingly sinks, the woman becomes hardened; she cuts off the bridges, which originally connected her powerfully with the streams of Light!
Thereby, overtime, she became lost to her vocation. To the joy of Lucifer.
Through this, mankind and the entire earth became starved of radiations streaming from the Light through the woman as the natural mediator; a duty for which she had been specially endowed and lavished with gifts exclusive to her.
There arose an unnatural mixture of feminine and masculine activities on earth. This was never intended.
Thereby, mankind and the earth, as well as all the forces originally designed to help us and assure our welfare, joy, happiness and peace in our existence here, were thrown into confusion.
Gradually, there set in difficulty, disease, impure thoughts and deeds giving rise to greed, envy, avarice, hatred, anger, covetousness, lust for earthly power and wealth, wickedness, selfishness, promiscuity, strange ailments, stealing, murder, blasphemy, and all other shameless aberrations afflicting mankind, and under which we groan today.
Which were never known.
Progressively, mankind sink deeper into the depth.
Still, the Almighty has been ever merciful in that He has repeatedly been sending us help through many teachers, prophets, and Called ones. To the extent that He, at last, had to send His Word in His Son Jesus, the Saviour and Redeemer of mankind, Who we also rejected.
Despite the hostile reception that we gave His Son, still He promised us Another Helper, the Comforter and the Holy Spirit, Who shall reprove the world of sin and righteousness; remind us of all that He the Saviour had taught us; lead us to all truths; and bring the Judgement.
Sorrowfully, we have been rejecting all His helps.
The degeneration worsens and the sinking to the depth progresses further. Also, the destruction of everything on earth which does not conform with the Holy Will, progresses.
Today, mankind run in circles to find solutions to the unmanageable crises, chaos and confusion to which we have plunged ourselves and the earth.
Where lies the solution?
Definitely this does not lie in the hands of any man or earthly power, no matter who and what he or they pretend to be.
Everything that is ugly and wrong on earth shall collapse. And the human beings, who will be permitted to live on earth after the ongoing purification, will learn remorsefully, how to reverse themselves to comply with the Natural Laws, Which express the Will of their Creator on earth.
Already, this process is being fulfilled in the midst of a stern Judgement, which we incurred.
It is also accompanied with the anchorage of the final Help, the Word and Will of the Almighty on earth. Together with His promised Kingdom.