By Banji Ayoola
The hostile attacks are beyond and above you. They are directed beyond and above you.The attacks which you have experienced, are still experiencing whether in your private, official or public life, are not directed at you in person.They are directed beyond and above you at the One in Whose Laws you strive to live your life, in Whose Holy Will and Volition you wish to swing.
Once you erroneously see the attacks as directed or aimed at you, at your person, you are bound to make mistakes and seek to fight for yourself; you would be tempted to take or see or regard the attacks as personal and so seek personal approaches to respond to them.
In which case you dissipate energy and squander your strength on tormenting thoughts. In which case you suppress your inner riches from radiating out or from expressing themselves; indeed you have drawn a black veil over them.
In which case you shut yourself against more riches, the wealth in form of impressions, recognitions, the flaming radiations or radiant flames that are meant to flow and stream to you unceasingly from Sources above you.
In which case you wrongly take the battle as your own.
In which case, you torture and torment yourself with impure thoughts, you laboriously concern yourself with contemplation and thoughts on ways to appropriately respond to the attacks, how to crush the attacks and even punish their sponsors; in your own way.
Gradually, vengeful thoughts creep in to poison your volition, thoughts, words and deeds to confuse and mislead you. These then draw a dark veil over your real volition, the spark of good which you still bear. They cut you off and divert you away from all that is good, from your normal path and activities, your striving which aim and lead upwards towards the Light. Such thoughts torture and torment you; they drag you down and make you miserable.
It is better not to descend to this level of personalising attacks against the Light and all who seek to belong to and serve It; attacks which are actually from the Darkness flung at you to molest you, weigh you down, hinder and divert you from living and working for and serving the Light.
Know it that the hostile attacks are instigated by and are coming from the Darkness, an enemy you do not see physically, that is more powerful than you imagined and who you cannot fight or defeat or crush on your own.
It is only the Darkness that attacks; never the Light. Even until it eventually destroys itself and is expelled from this earth, the Darkness would continue to attack the Light and whoever decides to serve It and strive towards It. So never expect the hostile attacks against you which are really against the Light, to cease. By the hostile embittered attacks therefore, you now know who actually is fighting you, and really the Light, through agents.
Be steadfast and firm in your striving to seek and honour the Laws governing Creation, Which indeed express the Holy Will of the Almighty Father in all your activities, in all your thoughts, words and deeds. This is the only way that ensures protection for you from the hostile attacks and paves the way for your redemption from all errors of this earth and ascent towards the Luminous Heights, upwards towards the Light.