Vaccines, world control and the Antichrist


By Sola Adeyegbe

The Apocalypse has come! Soon, the elect will fly into the skies, the Antichrist will take control of the rest of mankind and establish a new World Order!  The plan is well known. The Antichrist will use nothing else but COVID-19 vaccines just as the COVID-19 itself was part of the grand plan to  control us all. He has his boys in the United States like Bill Gates who plans to reduce the world’s population and  Anthony Faucci the vaccine promoting physician. He has companies like Pfizer and  Moderna all cooperating to inject the world with deadly vaccines laden with devices that will make all men zombies to be controlled by the Antichrist who will rule over human morons after they  have become idiots through his vaccines. If you refuse the vaccine, the Antichrist has all the world governments at his beck and call and will force the vaccine down your throat!

Now, let’s leave the fantastic and imaginary world of illusions and get a little glimpse of the real dangers of the Beast or the  Antichrist. 

We can only understand anything pertaining to God by becoming spiritual. However, man has since the well known Fall of man, left all spirituality or refused to be guided by his spirit and has chosen instead to be ruled solely by his intellectual earthly reasoning.

As a picture to aid our comprehension of this happening, just see in your inner eyes Adam and Eve using their reasoning mind (as suggested by the serpent) to question God’s express Command! That’s where it all started.  This worship of the early reasoning mind has developed steadily since the Fall of man and has now developed into the powerful earthly Antichrist or more explicitly into all that is anti-spiritual! Let’s just look around us and this point will be clear.

All of mankind is affected by this  already! So, no vaccine is needed to impose the rule of the Antichrist.  

Instead of using spiritual wisdom, man uses earthly intellectual sham wisdom of the flesh. This earthly wisdom brought all the evil, wickedness and the debased acts we see all around us today. This unrestrained rule of the reasoning mind is the hereditary sin.

Putting mankind under the rule of the carnal mind is the method that Lucifer used to enslave mankind. By falling for this trick, man fell pray to him, the enemy of God, the Antichrist himself…Lucifer!

He is already inside every man today,  ready to ruin him! His activity immediately brings estrangement from God as a natural consequence. 
So we have to be on guard. We can use our intellect yes, but it must not control us. It must be subjected to our spiritual wisdom, our intuition. When we do this, we then become once again God’s own children.

Vaccine is another matter, a small matter having little to do with the real issue of the Antichrist.

Whoever does not like the vaccine can stay away from it. No one can force vaccines on humans. But the Antichrist already has all of mankind in his grip and he needs no vaccines now to do this or consolidate his firm grip on men. 

Even the fact that most people who claim to be religious can still be looking at vaccines as a ploy of the Antichrist is another evidence of the  blindfold of Lucifer. 

Mankind is looking for the Antichrist outside of himself without realising that the Antichrist already dwells within him!

Vaccines are not to be linked with the very existential issue of the Antichrist who has been at war with man since the Fall of man, organised the Fall and is still bent on destroying all who have fallen prey to him. 

Only that man  is free from the Antichrist’s poison who can become spiritual by recognising and living in accordance with the Will of God as expressed in the Laws of Creation!

May we through our resolve to live as God’s servants be counted among such. Amen.

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