By Edeke Brown
To the ALMIGHTY LORD be all thanks and glory, for ever and ever, Amen!!
The Peace of the LORD be upon you beloved. I share with you this perception that i have been blessed with.
We trouble ourselves so much daily to acquire abundance.
It is amazing to what extent we will go to achieve this.
We struggle relentlessly everyday, climbing mountains, trudging through valleys, weathering storms, going against obstacles of sorts, all in a bid to lock it down.
We believe that Abundance offers us security, peace of mind and a life of ease.
Abundance of earthly properties, abundance of money/riches, so we can lead a wild, frivolous and indolent existence. Worst of all a very selfish existence here on earth.
We rush to acquire abundance even at the expense of our fellow humans. We even go as far as perpetrating evil consciously, because we want to aquire abundance.
We lie, we cheat, we steal, we kill, we blackmail, we deceive, all because we want to acquire abundance.
I often marvel at our foolishness when we reason and behave in a manner that suggests that our CREATOR brought us into existence to suffer. This is clearly reflected in all the thoughts we utter when we are faced with misfortunes or unpleasant experiences.
We forget that we are guided by Laws made by our ALMIGHTY CREATOR.
We are not even conscious of the fact that we carry our CREATOR’s Laws living and pulsating within us.
We forget that we have been warned about a Law which processes, weaves and produces the end result of our willful volitions, whether they are good or bad.
The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY does not do evil and nothing dark and evil can ever issue from HIM. Impossible!!!
And so, it HIS Laws that check and guide our activity/activities. It is HIS Laws that dispense in accordance with the Holy Will of the LORD. It is these Laws that reward us in exact measure according to the nature of our activity.
There is no ambiguity in the working of the Laws of the LORD. They are perfect in their nature and in their working because they issued from the ALMIGHTY LORD.
That is, the LORD made these Laws and therefore they are perfect.
These Laws are also adamantine
(rigid and cannot be broken, bent nor circumvented), and immutable(cannot change or be changed). They are and will remain they way they are, perfect in their nature and working, forever and ever, Amen.
You may probably be despondent and angry, but please do not get me wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with abundance. Absolutely nothing wrong with wealth or being wealthy. For the LORD HIMSELF grants this.
But know this, abundance without purpose serves no end and leads to perdition. Abundance which does not serve the Will and Purpose of the ALMIGHTY LORD, which does not glorify the CREATOR of all Heavens and the Earth does not engender fulfillment, and when fulfillment is not engendered, it simply means that we do not swing in the Will of the LORD. It is our responsibility or duty to ensure that we swing in harmony with HIS Holy Will.
The LORD grants abundance and as such it should be employed to glorify and honour HIM.
Abundance should be employed to ennoble our environment, together with the people in it. Abundance should be used to give help, joy, happiness & protection to others, particularly those who are less privileged than we are. Abundance should be used to propagate the Work of the LORD on Earth.
Abundance should bring about blessings to all including us who are privileged to be its custodians.
I serve.