This coronavirus horror may be a gift to mankind

Paradise On Earth

By Banji Ayoola

This moment may be a beautiful gift to the world, a rich opportunity to change many of the things that are wrong on the earth, contrary to the Volition contained in the wonderful Wisdom, Which lovingly permitted us a sojourn here, and granted us fabulous opportunities to explore, experience and develop into better human beings.

This may be a moment to apply the brakes on our haste, the meaningless hustle and bustle, on our usual rat race on which we have been wasting many earth-lives, and pause for a moment to reflect on the ways we have been living on earth. This may be time for us to seriously examine ourselves as to whether all our activities as expressed in thoughts, words and deeds, are good and bring blessing to all our neighbours, all our fellow human beings without any discrimination. This may be a time to start changing from our wrong ways and abandoning everything that is wrong; everything that perpetuates wickedness, hatred, disorder and injustice; everything that harms the other person, group or country.

This coronavirus affliction, sad as it is, may be a gift, another opportunity to start all over again, to a mankind forced down to our knees by what may be the lawful consequences of our wanton disregard over many ages, of the Wise and Wonderful Laws of the Almighty Father in His Beautiful Creation, to a mankind in great need of helping words, in great need of a New Knowledge. Expectedly, we will now listen and change from our wrong ways.

Sad as it is, hopefully what the chain of helpers, teachers, prophets, specially Blessed and Called ……. and closely on their heels the Light Incarnate, the Son of The Most High Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ in His Unimaginable Love, Whom we mocked, scourged and nailed to the Cross over 2,000 years ago ……. could not readily achieve with a humanity that was not ready to listen to loving counsels at that time and thereafter till date – will now sink in!

Sad as it is, these moments of horrors are calling all mankind now to listen and abandon whatever does not stream from love, whatever does not swing in the Natural Laws expressing the Will of the Most High, Which the Great Teacher promised shall ‘”be done on earth”, and turn prayerfully upwards towards the Light, towards the Lord.

It pays us to heed the signals in what these horrible moments of embracing coronavirus affliction enforces on us all mankind Social distancing or Self isolation or Quarantine; Withdrawal from large gatherings; Stay at home compulsorily; Withdrawal from the society into oneself.

We are now torn forcefully away from the unhealthy hold and slavedom of assumed helpers and knowing ones to be alone with oneself. To reflect all alone individually and attain personal recognitions about everything that has bothered us, and the next wisest move. Without depending on the usual recycled interpretations of the scriptures by any false and calculating selfish intermediary. To seek the True Knowledge by ourselves.

Painfully, we have gone through many horrors already; we are experiencing some now. It is only this Knowledge of the Living Laws of the Almighty Father and unconditionally adjusting all our activities to Them whether in thoughts words or deeds, Which is the surest balm that will truly alleviate these horrible happenings, including those that are still coming, which indeed we caused. And salvage, redeem us from the chaos of a crumbling era, to lead us on henceforth as our best Friend and Helper upwards towards the Light.

Hopefully prayerfully, we will now listen and change, and turn our hands and eyes genuinely upwards to the Lord.

The times in which we stand indeed are calling us to change our wrong ways and honour the Mighty and Just Laws of the Lord the Creator, indisputable Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Owner and Ruler of the whole Universes, of the Heavens and the Earth in all our activities here henceforth; or else we throw ourselves into worse pains.

Now is time truly to seek the Lord in His Will and Word.

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